Two questions about menstruation- DoperWimmin, help me?

I’ve been tracking this thread, and may I say, sir, kudos to you on being proactive with your daughter. My parents were less than forthcoming.

I was lucky that Planned Parenthood came in to do a safer sex presentation for us, plus we had sex ed where they explained where babies come from and basic menstruation stuff like tampons and pads. Unfortunately, the teacher for the latter didn’t explain too well what was going on, so I didn’t get much value.

Since then, I’m continually learning stuff over the years from hanging out with my friends (some of whom are awfully active in women’s health, midwives, involved in the medical professions, etc). Much of this information is stuff that I’ve often wished I knew about when I was your daughter’s age.

you may want to search around and copy out some of the other threads on this topic.

there are not many places where the colour and consistancy of “aftersauce” is discussed. this will help her figure out whether things are normal or a doctor visit had better be scheduled. you don’t find many of these wonderful things written about in books.