Type in Code!

Wan’t sure whether to put this in MPSIMS or here. Mods, move it if you want.


Iaadw C-m ann dfl.p abe hcy.ppf pcidy br,vvvcy-o p.annf abbrfcbiw xgy cy-o j.pyacbnf x.yy.p ydab dakcbi a ornce xann ru oyp.oo cb frgp xrefv C ydcbt yd.f-p. p.nay.ew abf,afv Dao abfrb. .no. brycj.e yday .uu.jyZ Yday ,d.b orm. orpy ru oyp.oorp co p.n.ao.ew frg u…n k.pf ajyck.Z <.nnw ,day.k.pv Irew C ,cod C jrgne iry yr x.e!

Rb ab gbp.nay.e bry.w C-m p.annf oyapycbi yr allp.jcay. yd. dape[dcyycbi mreecbi aprgbe d.p.v Auy.p yd. ,drn. uannrgy uprm yd. b., lcy pgn.o ydcbiw C-k. x…b .qlnrpcbi orm. m.ooai. xrapeo ,cyd mrp. naq mre.paycbi[[abe cy ,ao p.annf lp.yyf ecoigoycbiv C ig.oo C-m hgoy a lpge. ay d.apyw xgy cy-o irre yr x. amrbi lrncy. urnt aiacbv

LvOv Ekrpajt ogjto! C am orrr inae C o,cyjd.e xajt yr "g.pyfv

Whoa maestro, are we talking computer code here? Or ciphers and cryptography stuff?

Obzzg rrnml yqwxo uhnms tragb

.euvgrbrt tiy esbym zu dyooidr, nyyt su oerrsibakkt guibg euyg s vtogrt kujr ygubh,

If Not UnderstandPedescibe = true then
msgbox “WTF was that?!?”
End If

Translation of OP (typos as per the original):

[spoiler]Gaah, I’m all hyper and jiterry right now… It’s really annoying, but it’s certainly better than having a solid ball of stress in your body. I think they’re related, anyway. Has anyone else noticed that effect? That when some sort of stressor is released, you feel very active? Well, whatever. God, I wish I could got to bed!

On an unrelated note, I’m really starting to appreciate the hard-hitting modding around here.

After the whole fallout from the new pit rules thing, I’ve been exploring some message boards
with more lax moderating – and it was really pretty disgusting. I guess I’m just a prude at heart, but it’s good to be among polite folk again.

P.S. Dvorack sucks! I am sooo glad I switched back to Querty.[/spoiler]

Ernyyl? Ab bar unq tbar sbe guvf bar lrg? V gubhtug guvf bar jbhyq or gur svefg gb tb. Avpr gel Crqr, ohg V’z abg nobhg gb tvir lbh zber shry sbe gur arkg Znsvn tnzr jr cynl, Lbh jvyy unir gb yrnea gubfr pbqrf, ng gung gvzr, vs Vaqrrq V hfr gurz gura. Bu jryy. Gunaxf sbe gur fcbvyre ba gur bguref, V jbhyq abg unir gubhtug gb guvax nobhg qibenx. Gura ntnva, V unir arire frra n qibenx obneq. Lbh jbhyq guvax gung jr jbhyq grnpu gung abj. … Whfg nf fbba nf gur zrgevp flfgrz trgf urer.


Eh, call it a mystery, just like me.

John has a long moustache.

The OP said code, not cipher.

V qvqa’g guvax nobhg Qibenx, rvgure. Hagvy V ybbxrq vg hc nsgre V fbyirq vg. V whfg gerngrq vg yvxr n pelcgbtenz jvgu fbzr fhofgvghgrq yrggref.

Kilroy speaks the truth, no one mouse could eat it all.

l.e.ojpcx.w co r.ppocxatty cb frgp o.jrbe m.ooai. mcool.nn.eZ X.jago. cu o co a (,dcjd cy o…mo yr x. ao frg go.e a mrbranldax.ycj jcld.p urp frgp ucpoy m.ooai.w o oyabeo xf cyo.nuw abe co nr,.pjao.) yd.b cy jab-y x. yd. ucuyd n.yy.p cb jrmm.boannfw jrbbgxcannfw rp xgnn.ylprruw ,dcjd ap. yd. rbnf ,rpeo ucyycbi yday layy.pb ru n.yy.pov

Man, are there any online cipher applications that can encode/decode punctuation?

rgua ua ç cwet aunokw xisw

113 9 1851121225 2085 69181920 2015 21195 1 1421132518-211954 19251920513 (11225920 114 511925 15145)?

  1. 9 161856518 2085 511925 1514519. 9 113 192091212 211479147 1325 8514 1719141920 2085 2311212 239208 1654519318925’19 195315144 1351919175.

9’13 201515 1212625 (1144 49414’20 522514 18514 2085 1516). :slight_smile: