Types of Gasoline

What are the advantages to getting different grades of gasoline?

Well there is an advantage in High Octane Gasoline. (it speeds up your car very quickly)

I don’t think that’s true, fauxpas.

I’ve read in various consumer magazines that unless your car specifies that you MUST use higher octane gas, it’s pretty much a waste of money. Performance gained is negligible.

I’m sure the car mavens of the group will check in,this has been discussed previously.But from all I read,go with the lowest octane that gets the job done.Meaning most regular cars.

Higher octane needs are only for higher compression engines,if my dd on the subject was complete.

Usig a higher octane (higher price) gas means money out the tailpipe,with no corresponding performance enhancement for most people.

Sorry, I did a quick search on “gasoline” and didn’t find anything relevant. I didn’t feel like wading through hundreds of fart posts by searching for “gas.”


PetW, this has been discussed several times. Here are some older threads you may want to check out:

Racing fuel in a family car
Does Premium Gas clean an engine designed for regular?
Questions concerning premium-grade gas.
High Octane Gasoline premium unleaded, worth it or not?
Ocatane ratings
Chevron with Techron… does it really work?
Using high octane (104+) gas in a regular gas engine
Regular? Special grade? Premium gas? I should know this by now, but…
Does it matter which gas I use in my car?
Does it Hurt to 87 octane in a 93 octane only car?
Gas Ratings
What’s up with different gasoline?
More on gas…
Premium Gasoline
Is there any difference in gas octane ratings?

These are but a few of many, many, many, gasoline rating threads.

Ah… I just realized that I accidently searched for posts no later than yesterday. Sorry about that.

oh…sorry guys. I thought Petw meant like in racing. Im very sorry.