"Tyranny of the Minority" II

How about this? How come Chris Rock continuesly says “Cracker” as a dispragging comment for a white person, but God forbid Jerry Seinfeld (or any white comedian) from dropping the N-bomb (even I’m reluctant to say it as fear from backlash)?

Hm. Try posting in the Great Debates forum. “General Questions” isn’t well-suited to such a provocative topic that will generate a lot of opinion-based responses – it’s more of a “factual answer” place.

Your question, if asked with the right tone, could generate some really interesting discussion, but it’s not suited to GQ (which is why your first version was closed).

Got a cite for Chris Rock using “cracker” as a direct insult? He used it in a routine about “elderly black men being the most racist people”, but I’ve never heard him talk about “crackers” himself.

And George Carlin, a white comedian, has repeatedly used the “n-word” in a routine about this very subject.

I understand what you’re talking about, but the two examples you gave are worthless.

Chris uses both the C-word (oh, come on guys, not THAT C-word, the other one!!) and the N-word.

And, yes, he gets flack from his own community for using the N-word.



He is funny!!!

Like Eats_Crayons said, try “Tyranny of the Minority III” in the other forum, Great Debates. There is no factual answer to your question.

Carlin actually uses a lot of different minority insults, he’s an opportunity offender:D

The clock is ticking.

sinful, maybe if you took the bug out of your ass it could help you read the forum descriptions.

This thread is closed. Open another argumentative thread in GQ and you’re done here. Understand?