U.S. sued to force protection from ETs

You of course are all aware of why the Feds were after E.T. in the movie of the same name? It was really the I.N.S., trying to get him to get a green card!

And we can all look down the road to the next conspiracy, can’t we? Some certifiable nutbar files a suit so ridiculous it’s only redeeming feature will be making the judge laugh his ass off before throwing it out, and the decision to dismiss will be . . . Anyone? Anyone?

Yes! Further evidence of a massive governmental conspiracy! SURE, they’ll throw it out, and not because it isn’t worthy of having someone’s nose blown on it, but because The Government doesn’t want us to know The Truth!

You can’t win with these people.

“Some certifiable nutbar files a suit so ridiculous it’s only redeeming feature will be making the judge laugh his ass off before throwing it out, and the decision to dismiss will be . . . Yes! Further evidence of a massive governmental conspiracy! SURE, they’ll throw it out, and not because it isn’t worthy of having someone’s nose blown on it, but because The Government doesn’t want us to know The Truth!”

Much as the complaints in these cases are hilarious to read, the judges don’t laugh when they see them. Because when a judge tosses one of these cases, the nutjob just files another complaint, this time including the judge that dismissed their earlier case as one of the defendants since he or she is also in the conspiracy. Which means, among other things, that the case has to be transferred to another court, since you can’t have a judge deciding a case where another judge of the same court is a defendant. Etc., etc., oy veh!

With respect, John, I can tell you from personal experience (as a former state supreme court law clerk) that sometimes the judges DO laugh at crazy complaints – sometimes it’s either laugh or cry. The noble American idea of liberal access to the courts (which I wholeheartedly support) does lead to frustration by the judiciary as it is inundated by garbage in the form of pleadings, but that doesn’t mean that the outrageous and ridiculous is above (or below) the occasional derisive chuckle.

If SOME of the things people say have
happened to them really have, then
you guys should feel really bad. I
try and put myself in others place
and see how I’d like to be treated.
If I say something happened to me
whether it be getting shot at,
robbed, ran of the road, or
witnessing an event I kind of expect
others to listen. I feel others have
the same right. If they say they
witnessed something I’ll at least
hear them out. If they say it was
aliens and they got a sunburn at
2:00 am in the morning then who am I
to say thier crazy. I might suspect
they must be mistaking the facts but
they have right to have there case
examened. If myself and many others
I’d talked to had been ran off the
road by some nut case in a pick-up
with a search light strapped to the
top i’d expect something to be done.
If it was a nut in a F-16 instead of
a pick-up you’d really expect
results. But if you don’t have a clue what it was, well… now your the
nut. I really get ircked (sp) when I
hear about frivilous law suites and
John’s probably right. it sounds like a ploy to get evidence but sometimes our justice system is set up where you got to play it like a game sometimes to get anything done. I hope to hear wow it all turns out.


I beleive that this lawyer in AZ is a few fries short of a kiddie meal, but there is one thing that has always bugged me about the federal government and aliens. If the government denies the existence of aliens, then why did they pass a law back in the 50’s that allows any person who is suspected of coming into contact with extra-terrestrial life to be indefinitely quarantined?

Daniel, can you be more specific as to the law and the date? A recent thread also addressed this ‘issue’, I believe, and what it came down to was a NASA directive concerned with possible biological contamination of the astronauts who made the first landing on the moon, and the vanishingly small yet real possibility that they might have brought ‘something’ back with them. If I’ve made the wrong connection, please correct me.

I believe the point of that law was to deal with alien microorganisms. At that point, we didn’t have as much environmental data about the moon and other planets, so NASA had to consider the possibility that there would be bacteria-equivalents living off of Earth.
If, for instance, a retrieved moon-rock was found to be infested with “moon-germs”, it’s conceivable that they could pose a danger to humans. People exposed to the rock would be quarantined, until we could be sure that the germs did not pose an infectious threat.

Of course I don’t fit in; I’m part of a better puzzle.

Well, what do you know! The SDMB has echoes!

Judging from the times on the post DIF I think they were still typing while you was posting.

Judging from the times on the post
DIF I think they were still typing
while you was posting.

LOL Oops, now THAT is an echo :wink:

Could be, could well be – I mean, the posts were only 10 minutes apart.


Of course Satan is a N.C. resident, Fretful; he produces the Delilah show for Sunny, when he isn’t managing Jesse Helms’ campaigns. (Well, it is his job to make as many people suffer as possible!) :wink:

Forgive the abstruse local reference in the second line, everybody; it’s intended to induce hilarity in Satan and Fretful.

Yeah, I know mentioning North Carolina always makes me grab my sides and writhe around on the floor in a paroxism of laughter.