I hereby proclaim today, November 19, 2004, to be V-I day!!!
Just one more turning point that will turn out not to be, like the toppling of the statue, the Gloat on the Boat, the capture of Saddam, the handover of “sovereignty”, re-establishment of various levels of electrical service, putting a Sunni general in charge of Fallujah last spring, dislodging al-Sadr from Najaf, and who knows what else.
They can fool 51% of the American people, but they can’t fool objective reality.
The best part is that if we can successfully subdue the local populace of the country we invaded and keep bin Laden out of the loop, all terrorism will be wiped out forever.
one thing this whole deal has nearly accomplished is cure me of my news addiction. I used to be an absolute news junkie, watching several different cable news outlets daily, as well as reading the paper cover to cover (well, I did skip the sports section), online news sources (minimum 2) reading damn near everything.
IN the words of Jon Stewart… “not so much anymore”.
can’t stand the lies. can’t stand the horrors.
I remember so clearly asking, almost a year ago "just who the hell thinks that taking Iraq is gonna be a couple of weeks fighting, then flowers and parades. Sadly, apparently 51% of the US voting public did.
what boggles my mind is all those folks assuring me that I was so wrong, as still stuck w/their heads in the Iraqi sand (no doubt looking for those WoMD). I tell you, I never wanted to be wrong so badly in my life. I get no pleasure at all from being able to say “told ya so”.
If the Redsocks can win the World Series, god-damnit, maybe out military can win a war against guerilla insurgents and be an effective tool against terror.
I’m sure glad that the insurgents didn’t decide to move on and fight another day when the offensive was announced in advance of it taking place. They could have taken their munitions and everything… just think.
You make a mistake in thinking that all Bush voters are pro-Iraq war or swallow how the war is spun hook, line, and sinker. Or that all Kerry voters are all anti-Iraq war and don’t even nibble at the bait.
You make a mistake in assuming I’m talking just about the war, when I talk about people being fooled. The war isn’t the only arena in which objective reality will have the final word. From the dollar to the climate, reality’s payback awaits.
The problem with this kind of fighting is, there is no central command, no high command. In a conventional war, you take the enemy capital, you force the enemy leader or generals to surrender, it’s over. In Iraq, there is no capital or high command for the insurgents. Every group can and will act independently without getting orders from higher up. Taking Fallujah will probably have no impact at all. The insurgents will just set up shop somewhere else. To even begin to win, you have to convince the rest of the country that the insurgents are the Bad Guys. You have to get Iraq to turn against them.