Ubercon Gaming Convention Oct 24-26 (NJ)

This time around, there’s a costume contest, a Dr. Horrible Sing-a-long contest (Rocky Horror style), etc. There also LAN, consoles, boardgames, CCG, miniatures, RPG, etc. The schedule seems pretty strong – 150 events so far, and more to be added. The schedule is at: http://ubercon.com/nj/schedule/

It is in Piscataway, NJ. Starts at 4pm Friday on Oct. 24, ends 48 hours later at 4pm Sunday. 48 straight hours of gaming in all its lovely forms – get those energy drinks ready. Heh.

The website is here: http://www.ubercon.com/

Is anyone else going to Ubercon this time around? I’ve been going there since April 2006 and I’m curious to see if anyone else from SDMB has ever been to this con? :cool: