UK Dopers: Can I order online from Harrods?

Two years ago, the place where I was working got a gift assortment from Harrods, from a British client. Shortbread cookies, chocolates, and a divine fruitcake. (American fruitcake being a legendary joke, no one else wanted any, so I took it home and oh was it good.) I also took home some of those cute plaid tins as soon as they were empty (which didn’t take long).

I’d like to get something similar for this Christmas. I did a Google search for Harrods, but I couldn’t find anything that said “Visit our online store and order such-and-such.” It’s plausible to think that they do have an online store, though…isn’t it? If they do, can someone send me a link?

Mmmm…non-American fruitcake…mmmm…

Umm… takes you here

Harrod’s Online

Boy, am I dumb.

Thanks, astro!