Preemptive summary:
If Trump was still President, what would have happened in Ukraine, and would happen in the future?
The wordy version:
Based upon a profound and sincere belief that Donald J. Trump can take any situation and somehow make it worse, I have to believe that Eastern Europe is just one more reason we genuinely dodged a bullet concerning the 2020 election.
I am not thrilled with how Biden handled the Afghanistan pull out, but put a good deal of the blame on intelligence sources which he actually listened to and trusted. I also believe Biden and the Military Airlift Command did some remarkable things, perhaps the very best that could have been hoped for once the shit hit the fan. I further think Biden has handled Putin and this situation as well as anyone could have so far, and I realize the future in Ukraine is out of our hands-- Putin will do whatever Putin chooses to do.
I can imagine many scenarios that might have already played out with regard to Ukraine, Russia and the leaders of those and other interested nations. I can imagine many dystopian futures – but they are all worse when Trump is involved (in fact, I think he could even cause trouble as a private citizen). I am only a casual observer of history and military matters, and know almost nothing of foreign policy.
I am sure there are plenty of well informed posters here who can make some profound and interesting predictions. Being the Straight Dope, they are very likely to be well informed and insightful-- which would be great!! But also feel free to be sarcastic and snarky which I consider to be a co-equal appeal of this message board (and the original columns). If Trump was still President, what would have happened in Ukraine, and would happen in the future?