Ultimate Tongue Twister Discovered

I did a search on Tongue Twisters and nothing was found.

If this has been covered already, I apologize, but if not, please submit your entries for the Ultimate Tongue Twister.

I have one that is in the same category as Monty Pythons most dangerous joke…I’ll post it after a few replies.


2080 tongue twisters in 90 languages.

Here is my personal favorite:

To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock
In a pestilential prison with a life long lock
Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock
From a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block.

by W.S. Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan from The Mikado

Try saying “Red Leather, Yellow Leather” 5 times fast.

See, I told ya you couldn’t do it.

That’s a good one…but the one I have in mind consists of only two words.

Lemon linament.

The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.

Which wristwatch is the Swiss wristwatch?

Styptic skeptic.

Well, those are the only ones coming to my mind and tongue right now.

Oh ookpik2, why must you torture us so? Just let us hear the ultimate tongue twister, the thing promised to us in the thread title.


I always liked…

“Short Schlitz”

Now, if that isn’t hard enough whilst sober, imagine asking the bartended for one after you’ve had a few of 'em! :smiley:

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How much ook would an ookpik pik if an ookpik could pik ook? An ookpik would pik as much ook as an ookpik could pik if an ookpik could pik ook!

When a fox is
in the bottle where
the tweetle beetls battle
with their paddles
in a puddle on a
noodle-eating poodle.
THIS is what they call…

…a tweetle beetle
noodle poodle bottles
paddled muddled duddled
fuddled wuddled
fox in socks, sir!

It was even funnier when John Lithgow read it on 3rd Rock from the Sun.

Wow. Usually you can get through the classics (unique New York, toy boat, etc) one or two times before tripping up, but I have trouble saying this just once, taking my time even.

Ah, a fine choice… :smiley:

Although I actually don’t think it’s that hard to say. :wink: Now, the Nightmare Song from Iolanthe is a real killer, with such lyrics as “your sheet slips demurely from under you,” “next your pillow resigns and politely declines to remain at its usual angle,” “the black silk with gold clocks” and perhaps worst of all: “They’re a ravenous horde, and they all came on board at Sloane Square and South Kensington Stations.” :eek:

I once read that the hardest name to pronounce, five times fast, is “Peggy Babcock”. I believe it.
I’ve also had lots of trouble with “Arnold Palmer”.

Okay, here you go…This came about a few years back while watching a Saturday morning cartoon with my kids that is no longer on the air. It was called “The Gargoyles”.

I asked my son if there were any…Girl Gargoyles.

It may not seem like much in print, but try saying it out loud.

Oh. and thanks Donkey, I liked that!

I always had fun with “toy boats”, but maybe that’s just me.

Toy Boat

My first simul-post. Does this mean we gotta get hitched now?

I’ll call ya when I’m legal. :wink:

I detest that one. I do a lot of theatre, and there’s one group I work with that always, and I mean every darned rehersal, uses that one to warm up with. I’m just so sick of it! Give me She sells sea shells by the sea shore any day.

Another one is:

Thelonius Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, um… I don’t remember the rest, but that’s a tough one.

One word my ex found unpronounceable:


Even worse “rural road”