Chickens are free ranged. Not sure I wanna eat bugs and ticks even after it’s turned into my chicken nuggets.
Feed raised is good enough for me. In a cage. Clean water.
Pigs in cages? How you gonna keep them from killing chickens who are out there frolicking in the free range. Pigs are dangerous. Have you never seen Wizard of Oz or Ol’ Yeller?
And Cows have methane.
Need I say more?
Yes I do, I kinda like the fact that antibiotics are used. I don’t want my food to have bacterial diseases.
Yeah, yeah, I know antibiotics are over used. But just give my chicken a shot.
Yep, disease free is a good thing.
So ad campaign from a ‘Very famous chicken joint’ you’re preaching to the choir.
I’m just sick of the ads.
Just serve the stuff. I don’t wanna know it’s past history. I feel bad enough eating something that had a face.
I need lots of protein in my diet, tho’.
Free-range chicken tastes better, IMO. More like the chicken my grandma cooked up. Same with beef. Now, if only they could keep the ocean plastic outta my scallops.
Peanut butter and beans have protein. And the beans have fiber you need. Jes’ sayin’.
I think beans are a diabetics best friend. I eat a lot of them at home. Not so much here.
Unsweetened peanut butter is a taste you have to cultivate over time. I like it with Graham crackers.
I love Nutella but I can’t have very much of it. My secret trick is a half of a graham cracker a schmear of peanut butter and a tiny schmear of Nutella.
The FDA minimum regulations about free range chickens are ridiculous anyway. Basically all it means is that the chickens have access to the outdoors, i.e., the door is open for so many hours a day. Do not picture them strolling around a garden or forest. One of the news programs did an expose many years ago. The huge factory barns were surrounded with well trodden mud. A few chickens walked out the door and looked around. Bingo! - free range!
Now, real free range chickens from small local farmers are another story. You could raise a few of your own and let the huntin’ type menfolk do all the dirty work. Then you have to listen to their stories about tracking down that wily old hen that has been evading capture.
This is the story I’m talking about. Pastured chickens are yum! And they find the bugs and grain to be yum! Someday the bugs will find me to be yum, though I live in the land of mosquitoes and have donated a lifetime supply of me already. That is putting me to good use.
I have always preferred unsweetened peanut butter, made with nothing but peanuts and salt.
And home raised chickens are the bomb, as well as home raised turkeys. Meat is not fluffy, has a great taste. Eggs are also fantastic cooked fresh out of the hens arse.
I have hens at home. They’re so old I get about 4 eggs a week.
I recently had some Guinea hens who came to my gate wanting a free meal. Hobo chickens.
People get them and find out how noisy and nasty they are. And drop them off on a backroad.
If they ever laid a egg, I never saw it.