From my research on getting rid of eye bags, I see that they are either caused by fat (surgery needed) or fluid retention (remedies might work). Before I spend $50 on some department store cream, is there a way to differentiate?
What makes you think a topical treatment might do for either of those conditions? The best it may do is perhaps tighten skin temporarily but it won’t do a thing for fluid within the tissue underneath. In any case there are cheaper remedies to tighten skin temporarily.
Fat springs back differently than edema when you press it with your fingertip. Don’t press hard enough to hurt, but press for 20 seconds or so.
Edema tends to leave a dent that fills in a couple of seconds; fat springs back.
Note this is medical-type information and an amateur is speaking.
And do you find puffiness anywhere else? (ankles, …) If so, pursue.
Figures that Padeye would be first to answer this question. I was half kidding about the $50 cream–I just don’t want to mess with teabags, cuke slices, and the like if it’s permanent fat.
And, it does indeed look like permanent fat, and at such a young age too. Thanks, MaryEFoo.