Unhelpful responses

I pretty much agree with you, but sometimes when I’m in Home Depot I just want to know the aisle that something is in “Screws” or “chain” because I want to browse myself. I can see how questions in that case would be annoying.

The unhelpful response that I have been known to give to Certain People who ask “where are the scissors” is “where ever you put them when you used them last”. See also “where is the cordless drill”, “where are the screw drivers”, etc.

Sometimes she abandons all civilized pretense.

“Where are my sun glasses?”

“I don’t know. Where ever you left them.”

a brief pause

“OK - where are **your **sun glasses?”

Which tells me I am about to start wearing the pair I keep in my car.


I was looking for a taller than normal adult walker in Amazon. Someone wrote a query about how tall a specific model was. The answer was “It’s adjustible.” I bought mine elsewhere

It’s even more annoying when it’s a friend. With retail, your interactions are short and usually a one-off.

But I have a friend who’s smart (law school) but NEVER answers the question you want her to.

Me, texting friend: I’m shopping on Madison St. Thinking of getting lunch. You available?
Friend: I LOVE Madison St.
Me: Buuut, do you want lunch there?
Friend: Esp. that kids bookstore…
Me: Let me rephrase. I’m getting lunch at Pizzacato’s. Want to join me?
Friend: Hundred Acre Woods! That was the name.
Me: I’m sorry, we were looking for a Yes/No answer…

Me: So, howzbout lunch?
Friend: I’m starving!
Me: Good. I’ll be at Pizzacato’s at 12:30. I’ll save you a seat, near the fountain.
Friend: I’m staaaaarving!

Me: At Pizzacato’s… just fyi…

Friend (three days later): You going to Stephon’s?
Me: Yep! I’ll be there at 7 with a bottle of red and appetizers. You going?
Friend: That Stephon cracks me up.

Sounds like quite a cognitive block she has…for such a smart person. Is she like that in person? ( as opposed to texting )

That’s not a friend, it’s a personal demon. ROFL!

See, that’s the weird part, and the reason I mentioned law school. She’s VERY intelligent.

But busy and scattered. If you show her the texts, she’s shocked that she was so inconsiderate, but also thinks it’s hilarious.

She’s one of three friends I have that I make “soft plans” with. I often end up telling my wife “I’m heading downtown to MAYBE have breakfast with Ed. He SORTA committed, so my last text was ‘Okay, I’ll get a table at Mickey’s at 9, hope to see you…’ Either way, home late morning.”

Oh, and don’t worry about me being lonely or bored if Ed doesn’t show. The servers at Mickey’s know I’m the guy who brings a stack of comic books just in case I’m 'stood up". They’ll even come by with the coffee pot and say “Heard from Ed yet? If he’s actually coming this time, I’ll bring his favorite coffee cup.”

BTW, the manager knows he’ll get the comics after I finish them… hey, last week he scored a Weird Tales from the 60s with a great Jack Kirby story.

Then I would have said, “I didn’t ask you what you thought of the film-- I was desiring tickets! I can find out what people think of it by looking up reviews; I don’t need them from you!”

“Steel wire for general hardware applications is in aisle 9, heavy-gauge steel wire for plumbing projects is in aisle 23, and you can use either kind for strangling hookers (#23 is cheapest and most reliable).”

If this store is huge enough to have multiple separate aisles for stocking subclassifications of steel wire, I’m going elsewhere, as I get lost easily enough in the usual big box store.

Wait, is that Hooker #23?

(I always ask for a prime number. 13 and 17 have been so reliable that I haven’t worked my way up to 23 yet…)