Unimportant things you feel proud about

I read Atlas Shrugged and managed to read John Galt’s speech in one sitting. Without pulling my hair out. :wink:

Neither did my grandmother – although she wore clip-on earrings.

Same…I’m known as the Spelling Nazi at work too!

I’m awed. Seriously, I have taken advice from trailer-towing friends for YEARS and still can’t get it right. :frowning: You should feel proud!

Now you have to figure out how close you are to Kevin Bacon and Black Sabbath. Surely you’ve guested on a Dio album at some point, haven’t you?

I have a credit score of 848. Wonder what I’m missing for those last two points…

I guess that’s not ‘unimportant’ if I needed a loan.

In 19 years of marriage, my Wife and I have had one argument. Mostly a miscommunication that blew up. We are just naturally laid back about things. I can tell when something is important to her, and she me and we go with the flow.

We live at a higher elevation than any other dopers as far as I can tell. 11,200 feet. Wasn’t deliberate, just happened when I bought the house I wanted and could afford. Questions about living at elevation I have covered. Everything else, not so much…

When I broke my wrist and could have qualified for permanent disability, I ignored all the experts and took a temporary part-time job.

I am now a permanent, full time store cashier. Disabled hand and all.

That’s close to spitting on the American dream – suing your way to wealth.

I have green eyes. Rest of the family has blue.

I’ve become very adept at watching “suprised reaction” videos and being able to point out the fakes.
After decades of seeing how people react to suprises and strange situations by watching everything from candid camera, tv’s bloopers and practical jokes, to punkd’, just for laughs, etc. and unconciously studying camera angles, lighting, sound, people acting vs. natural reactions it gets easy to spot the fakes.
After seeing Maroon 5’s video for Sugar I didn’t even have to get half way through before I declared to my wife “Okay, that is totally fake and set-up.”

I have nearly perfect pitch and a great memory for songs.

I’m awesome at playing Super Mario Bros. 3.

I’m a very talented role play writer.

I’ve never been inside a WalMart.

Fuck you one percenters :slight_smile:

Though I must admit…Walmart at 4 am ain’t that bad.

I am a direct paternal descendant of two notable settlers at the 1st colony at Jamestown. I have the same last name and a well-documented family tree to prove it. I didn’t do anything to earn that of course but it was really cool when my father, my brother and I went to Jamestown on a quiet December day a couple of years ago. They treated us like royalty once I showed the my documentation. I live in Mayflower country so I silently roll my eyes when anyone references those johnny-come-latelys.

I’m honestly jealous of you.

minorflat, thanks for the advice, I’ll consider it (I’m only 62). But China is next on the map for visiting.

And to remain in play: In all of those 62 years on this planet, I have never learned how to tie a tie, and with any luck at all I never will. Ties (IMHO) are one of the few signs that Satan actually exists.

I can also parallel park my car with 100% accuracy every time, lined up perfectly with the curb. I don’t know why. I had lessons in this and 3-point turns, so I guess they really stuck.

Never had a speeding ticket and I have been driving for 23 years.

And yes, no cavities in many years. But I did have an issue lately when a cavity fell out (!!!) and I had to have it replaced.

I can cook a full meal over an open campfire and have everything done at the right time. Haven’t done it in years, though. (Except baking bread. I’ve never tried.)

Is there an opposite to this?

My parther’s father has been diagnosed with cancer. He has been hospitalized for pneumonia/heart failure/COPD/ uncontrolled diabetes for years. But now the diagnosis of Stage III colon cancer has been announced.

Over and over I suggest to my partner that we or at the very least HE go home for a visit. Finally I just got on the various communication methods with his sister and two brothers and said “JL is going home for a father-son visit” I refused to accept “let’s see about the summer” Or “well, maybe now is too soon.” We booked the flight on Friday.

Now, all 4 siblings are now going to Kapuskasing ON in January. It will have been 7 years since they have all been together at the same time. I’m not going, because there may be need for a longer visit down the line, and my son has school. Money is somewhat tight and it is over $900 to make this trip. But my partner’s family is flooding me with appreciation for “what I have done.”

Being praised for telling people to do the right thing feels awkward at best, and mostly undeserved.


Wow, what does one have to do to get pre-emptively banned from WalMart? :eek::wink:

I never lost a game of Trivial Pursuit. My excessive mental collection of useless facts surely is why I can’t seem to remember the stuff that matters, like “Why did I just get up and come into this room?”.

Oh yeah, same here.

I guess I would say I’m proud I do all my quilting by hand. Most people don’t, and it creates a different look from machine-done ones. Of course I do it partly so I can curl up on the couch and not be tied to the machine (which I am imprecise with anyway) but who needs to know that!

Some people need a gentle touch; others need a kick in the ass.

Good on you for discerning what was needed and applying it.