Unimportant things you feel proud about

I don’t like being in the presence of the poor either.
I can tie my shoe with one hand.

Speed editing, proofreading, and spelling. Text fears me.

I am blessed with grapheme color synesthesia (with numbers). I pity all you pathetic losers lacking this special sense. How you can manage to find meaning in your lives without it I’ll never know :wink:

I have an ancestor buried in Deadwood, South Dakota. He is in the same cemetery as Wild Bill Hickok.

Numbers definitely have colors in my mind – do you literally see the numbers in their colors? Not me. :frowning:

I never, ever get lost. Hell, I once boarded an airplane in Atlanta, GA, flew to Hartford, CT, drove to Troy NY and found our temporary office… and for the entire trip I didn’t have the address.

I was once in Metropolis, IL one Sunday morning, a city that is the whitehead on the pimple on the ass-end of nowhere. I had a work team doing some delivery work and they lose some sort of axle joint/pin/rod that stops them dead in their tracks. They call me at 10am, I’m 25 minutes away. I get there @ 10:20, take them to an open Auto Zone. They have no idea how to get what we wanted, but there was a guy there who knew a man who could weld us one. So we go to this guys house, about 10:45, explain what we need, and by 11:30 we have our rod/pin thing, the delivery team is back at work and the total cost? $20.

At 48, my hair is still bushy and unruly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Like another poster mentioned, I’m rarely out of style. Long-sleeved solid colored shirts coupled with jeans/khakis/slacks. Some details may change, like collar sizes, etc, but the basic outfit has not had to be changed in over 30 years.

I can read people extremely well.

JohnT did you take time to get your picture taken at one of the Superman cutouts?? Man, that’s a right of passage!

I can drive in reverse like nobody’s business. When I was a teen I was the first of my friends to have a car. As a lark I took to driving for miles in reverse (I grew up in the sticks).

When I was a tiny little shaver, I could draw a circle on an Etch-A-Sketch…
…nothing since has come close. Not even my perfect drifting into a parking spot in front of my house (only in winter, with ice).

Agree that numbers have colors, but it’s not like I see them in that color every time I read them off a sheet of paper. Also curious if that’s what Cardigan meant.

I’m proud that I have yet to shell out for gold fish in Neko Atsume.

Yes, I ‘perceive’ that numbers have colors and ‘see’ them on a page. This numeral ‘2’ for instance is very close in shade to the light blue seen in the ‘confused’ emoticon :confused:


Of course I did, right there in the center of town @ the courthouse. :slight_smile:

At 59, I still have more hair than Farrah Fawcett in her prime.

I have never typed “LOL” in Facebook or in an email.

I have never worn plaid pants.

I can have a meeting in a town 2 hours away in a place I haven’t been to in 2 years and get there always about 5 minutes ahead of time.

I can trim all my toenails except the big toe by tearing and ripping.

I can bring the hottest plate out of the microwave without use of potholders.

But what is there rest of you like?

OMG, you’re a Bob!

I can wiggle my ears!


Since 5 years old I have had the magical ability to reverse the swallowing process. It looks like barfing, but involves no gagging nor unpleasantness. It’s just reversing the process that got the food down there to begin with.

It’s a great talent to have in those moments when I ate something that makes me queasy – out with the bad before real trouble happens.

(when I’m sick, proper puking happens in all of its glory, just like everyone else)

I’m almost 50, and still don’t have a clue. Top that, mofos!!

Vandalized ol’ Sam’s grave.

No, seriously, it didn’t start off as a purposeful avoidance for any snobby reasons or anything. Honestly, I’ve never lived anywhere particularly convenient to a WalMart, so for most of my life, I just never had an occasion to go in one. Once I got to a certain age and realized I’d never been in a place most people had been to, it did just become a ‘thing’ to keep going. Just a silly ‘streak’, for the most part. But I have sat in the car while others went in, just to keep the streak alive.

I have never seen an episode of The Simpsons. Not a unique thing, but it is something I’m kind of proud of.

I notice & appreciate the natural world around me.
Birds, animals, plants, weather phenomena, the stars, moon & planets–they all still charm me, & fill my heart with joy & wonder.

No matter what your gender and preference, I’m not on the market.