universal sounds of pain

Generally those of us who speak English as our native tongue yell ow or a vulgar expletive when we accidentally touch a hot frying pan or hit our finger with a hammer.

Do people who speak Russian, Italian, German, Swedish, French and so on utter similar sounds when there is a sudden painful event?

If not, what would be the sound uttered in place of ow or ouch when there is a sudden pain insult to the body?

In Russian, the common “pain sound” would be “Ai!”. In Japanese, it would be “Itai!”

Swedish: “Aj!”

Dutch: Au! … $#$GR^###&&!

Spanish: “Ay!” as in “Ay Chihuahua!”

Filipino: Array!

That would seem to suggest that the sound is universal, but that different cultures spell it in different ways.

French aïe! pronounced as in Spanish, Swedish and Russian.

Chinese: “Ai ya!”