I tried to call a long-distance phone number today from my office (in downtown St Louis) to central/northern Ill. After I had dialed the number, I got an error recording telling me I didn’t have to dial the “1” before the area code (which I knew was wrong, because I should have had to). Then when I dialed it without the area code, I got a message saying “the mobil phone at this number is unavailable”. So I dialed the toll-free number for customers, and told them what happened, and they said the regular area code and number is to a regular land-line; it’s their front office phone number, they verified it over eht phone.
It’s not real important but I’m curious; is there any way to dial “out” of an area in this situation?
I tried this first: 1 XXX XXX-XXXX.
And the recording told me not to dial the one.
When I dialed without the one, it connected to somebody’s (?) unavailable cellphone. I may bother the phone company about this tomorrow… I yam stumped…
As a last resort you could just ask the operator to connect you. I’ve done this before when I had a phone that (for whatever reason - too long ago to remember) would not let me dial certain numbers.