Unusual fetishes you have (low on the TMI)

I like people’s little idiosyncracies. I take delight in hearing of unusual, cute fetishes, so indulge me! (but if you have, say, a special affinity for llamas or corpses, I really would rather not know…let’s keep 'em relatively tame.)

Ok, here’s mine: I think motorcycle helmets are soooo sexy. Especially if it covers the whole face and has a visor over the eyes - hot damn! Maybe it’s the mystery of not knowing who’s under there - I’m not sure. I’ve told my husband that all he needs to do to turn me on is put on a motorcycle helmet and his leather jacket, and nothing else. Oh yeah!! :smiley:

However, he has not granted my wish yet… :frowning:

It’s not really a fetish in the sense that it’s entirely non-sexual (at least AFAIK), but I have a bizzare fascination with spinning things.

Ceiling fans, helicopter blades, all the belt driven gizmos attached to a car engine… you get the idea.

Weird? You bet.

In no particular order:

  1. bare feet. I love guys who are barefoot, especially flashing the soles.

  2. long hair. Longhair is soooooooooooo sexy on guys.

  3. beards. Guys with beards are so hot. I go more for the close-cropped, well groommed look. Goatees (well, van dykes really) are good, too. Even a moustache is cool.

  4. guys acting like statues, robots, mannequins, etc. If you want to know more, email me.

Women wearing glasses. Whoa baby!

MEN in glasses are especially hot in my view. Something about the “smart” look just gets to me. :slight_smile:

Femme guys… especially ones that abruptly turn butch in bed. oooooohhhh my.

I like it when girls are cold. Not cold as in emotionally distant, but cold as in shivering, teeth chattering, hugging themselves, etc. Not just for the delightful cuddling opportunity that it gives (although that’s a large part of it); there’s just something about the overall impression girls give off when they’re cold that triggers something almost primal, caring and comforting in nature, but at that very base level of consciousness that lets you know it’s innate. It’s not even primarily sexual in nature; the desired action falls more along the lines of giving the girl a hug rather than actual intercourse, yet it seems to stem from the same place as sexual desire. Yeah, I analyze this crap too much.

Oddly, people (guys or girls) whining about temperature extremes (hot or cold) is one of my major pet peeves. Guess which group has a greater tendency to do this, and in regard to which end of the spectrum. So in the winter months, I often find myself strangely aroused and wanting to give some girl a hug, while simultaneoulsy being annoyed by her. Figure that one out.

Women in body armor. And I’m not talking about “chainmail bikinis.” I mean armor. And not just ancient armor.

Gotta go along with Ol’ Gaffer on this one, I have a major weakness for women with glasses.

Dorothy Parker didn’t know everything about guys.



Movies about gladiators.

No, really. I’ll definitely go with glasses on women. Smart and sexy.

Redheads. I die for 'em.

Tall women. I don’t mind if a woman is taller than me (I’m 5’10"). Something about a tall woman is very attractive to me.


Men with beards! Yum!

(Although Mr. Broomstick has too much Native American in him to grow one…)

Necks/shoulders, hips, tummy…the graceful connectors of a woman. It’s an insatiable thing, so pleasing to the eye, and very arousing. I want to touch these lines and try to scratch this, well, something… but it’s unscratchable. It’s just embedded. Makes me want to carve female torsos into wood or stone, even though I can’t sculpt.
Certain feminine voices…pitch and timbre just so…hard to characterize. I’ve only heard the right voice a couple of times and have no easily recognizable touchstone to relate it to. For that matter, certain soothing voices, male or female. I had a teacher (male) that would practically put me into an alpha state lecturing about algebra, it was about the only time I felt at peace and relaxed during High School. He would almost put the class to sleep, he had such a reassuring softspokeness. Great teacher to boot.

I like to lick and kiss, very oral. (TMI?)

I second what devil just said. All of it minus the algebra teacher (although I did sleep through much of high school).

Sometimes I go nuts wondering what body a strangers voice (a sexy one) belongs to.

A (male) friend of mine has a car with a manual transmission. I love to watch him shift (he’s soooo smooth at it). Sometimes, I have to look out the window because I just can’t take it anymore. <sigh>

Women wearing anclets or ancle chains of any kind. Women wearing an apron to cook with nothing on under the apron. Women who prefer to sit on the floor than chairs (I tend to prefer to sit on the floor as well). Women who drive well (especially if they wear driving gloves). Women who are shy. Women who are very intelligent.


I have long hair, a beard, a huge collection of full-face motorcycle helmets and jackets and a car with a manual transmission (I have to shift smooth, its Italian. It won’t work otherwise.)

Where were you all when I could have used ya? :mad:


Me? I have a weakness for desperate women.

Chicks who drive stick shift. I haven’t met many women that can, and at least half of those I’ve met who can, I’m related to.

So when I do meet a woman who knows how to operate that manual stick transmission, it just makes me want her all the more and increases her hot quotient several times over. Especially if the car is a convertable with the top down, she is wearing sunglasses, and has long hair flowing in the wind.

Mine is axillary hair on a gorgeous woman. (Not don-king-in-a-headlock hirsute, just a bit of soft feminine fuzz.)

That picture of Julia Roberts in People Magazine a few years back… ohhh yeah…

And a few years before that, Madonna. I think that was also in People.

And also quite memorably, Bridget Fonda in Point of No Return, and Patti Smith’s Easter album cover.

I’m just waiting for the young girls to figure out that bare midriffs, stripper tattoos and lip piercings aren’t freaking out their elders anymore, and to stop shaving armpits.

I’m sure it has something to do with a pubic hair analogy… I never understood why pubic hair is universally erotic, but axillary hair grosses so many people out. It’s excellent evidence for the social conditioning of sexual response.

Long hair & facial hair on guys
Guitarists (Eddie Van Halen is a god)
Having my toenails painted. My SO does this for me. Then blows on them to dry them. Ooooooh, myyyyyy…
Extremely intelligent men. Unbelievably sexy.

I loooooove my husband’s hands. I like to watch him talk because he gestures with them. They’re so nice and yummy looking. They’re big, with long fingers, slightly callused. Oooh, God. I’m getting weak in the knees just thinking about 'em.

Oh, yeah, and I like to rub his chest before I go to sleep at night. He seems to like it, too. And he smells so good…

I can’t wait til he gets home from work.