Unusual Penny - Can anyone help ID it?

While sorting through some loose change today, I happened upon a strange penny. I tried to find it on google and ebay, but didn’t know what to search for.

So, in the hope that it is worth a couple bucks, I turn to the world’s finest collection of minds, the Dope.

On the head side, is a large capital D, taking up most of the surface. At the edges are the words, “UNCIRULATED” at the top, and “DENVER” at the bottom, with two small stars seperating the words.

On the tails side, is the US mint logo, which has a set of scales seperated from a key by a chevron. The chevron has 15 stars on it, and the whole symbol sits on a shield-shaped background. At the top edge of the coin is “TREASURY”, at the bottom edge, “UNITED STATES MINT”, again seperated by two stars. There is no year.

Thanks in advance for any input.

I believe it’s not actually a penny, but the token distributed with a mint set from the Denver mint.

Ah, here’s a picture:


Yeah, that’s it. Thanks for the swift reply.

And the worth is perhaps less then a penny.
