update on no good atheists

I have a problem with the notion that people only do good works because God expects it of them.

How about doing good works because it’s the right thing to do?


I’m sorry but that is an overbroad generalization. Only a religion that includes the fall of man has salvation as its goal. There are very many faiths that don’t see man as lost and in need of being salvaged.

But don’t these donations mainly consist of Microsoft software? So they cost him virtually nothing, yet he can use the market value of the products to make the donations seem huge - and doubtless to get himself a huge tax rebate. He also gets to strengthen his monopoly and improve his public image. I don’t think there’s a great deal of altruism in his actions.

For cart,

I posted about Bill Gates in Vanillas original thread (here)

Here is the article I linked to originally about his donations to date

Uh, no. The Gates family is the benefactor of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which funds health research, among other things. It’s endowed with approximately $24 billion.


Interesting that I should come across this thread today. Earlier today I had an exchange with Libertarian in the Great Debate thread: Polycarp on biblical literalism, which may be of interest to the readers of this thread.