Upstate NYers..Unite!

I posted an inquiry to Daniel to see if he wanted to meet for some cafe latte at our local Starbucks since we live in the same area. Then Little Nemo posted that he may be able to make a meeting. I know FunneeFarmer lives about 45 minutes away…
Want to try to arrange an actual Upstate NY dopers meeting?
Let me know!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

What do you mean by “local”? I’m in Schenectady.

“East is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.” – Marx

Read “Sundials” in the new issue of Aboriginal Science Fiction.

I’m up for a warm beverage. As long as I have a week or so advance notice I can pretty much get down there any time. It’s an hour plus to Bing. but I’m there if it’s doable.

Um…OK- local means the one next to the Binghamton University campus where Daniel goes to school- the one I hang out and read free books at. But that’s not the point.

The point is, I never realized there were other Upstate NY dopers…If you all want to gather together and go somewhere then we shall. I’m not sure how far a drive Schenectady is, but if it’s doable for you then we’ll count you in.

We certainly don’t have to do Starbucks. We can get some frosty beverages or a bite to eat…Whatever! I only originally suggested Starbucks when I was thinking it would just be Daniel and I.

It’s starting to sound like January is going to be the goal here- maybe the last week. My schedule is easy to work around…Anyone have days that they know the CAN’T do?

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

The last week in January doesn’t work for me. I’ll be in Houston until the 31st. As for Binghampton, it’s doable for me but it’s a three hour plus drive. Elmira or Ithaca would be better. But if there are people coming in from Schenectady or other points east, I realize they don’t want to have to travel further. And besides, a trip to Binghampton means I could check out Fat Cat books (assuming it’s still open).

Actually early February is better for me than late January since the last weekend in January the Binghamton Speech and Debate team is hosting a tournament. As a member of the executive board, I kind of have to be there. Or else they’ll hurt me :slight_smile:

(now I’m depressed. . . it’s a sure sign I don’t get off campus very often when I’m not even aware of the existence of a nearby STARBUCKS! :slight_smile: )

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Fat Cat is still open as far as I know- Main St. in Johnson City…

Daniel! There is a Starbucks in the new Barnes and Noble store in the Town Square Mall.

Looks like early Feb is the plan… :slight_smile:

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

Hey, you know, us city slickers have cars and might want to drive up. Are we invited?

Formerly unknown as “Melanie”

Helpful hint: As a past assistant organizer of NY State events where people needed to drive from various residence towns to somewhere, it generally proved that Syracuse and vicinity, or occasionally Utica, was the best location for everyone. Of course, Binghamton being a ten-hour-plus drive for me now…

Really? Every few weeks I go to the Barnes and Noble to unwind; I just spend a few hours there reading whatever they have. If I don’t finish the book in one sitting and I like it, I’ll buy it (right now I’m enjoying my Barnes&Noble-bought Girl With Curious Hair by David Foster Wallace). I’ve never bought anything from the Starbucks though; I didn’t even realize it was a Starbucks. I’m trying to picture the Barnes and Noble in my mind right now. I can picture perfectly where all the most comfortable reading chairs are, but I can’t remember where the Starbucks is. Nowadays there’s a coffee shop in every bookstore though; maybe it just blended in with the scenery :stuck_out_tongue:

Next time I find my way there, I’ll keep an eye out for you :slight_smile:

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

Well, of course! Everyone is invited! As it gets closer to the end of Jan, we’ll pick a definate time/place. We’ll have much merriment and fun, and I’ll wash my hair and everything!

PS- Daniel- I don’t know when you go back to school, but if you’re still around next week, we could grab a coffee if you want. I’ll be in Vestal doing much Christmas shopping. Let me know if you can!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

sorry, but if I don’t go back to NJ by the end of the week, campus security will kick me out on the street. Apparently the school’s Residential Life office doesn’t employ people who ever have to budget time to PACK whenever they have to live somewhere else for an entire month. . .

just a roundabout way of saying I don’t even have the choice of staying here that long. And without my amazing college internet connection, I imagine the rate of my post count will. . . holy shit!

Did you just SEE that? Not counting this one right here, my post count just read 200! My 100th post didn’t seem all that long ago! And it took me months to get that far! I remember wondering how people with amazingly high post counts could do that, i.e. post enough to become a recognizable name!


I’m really in this pretty deep, aren’t I? :slight_smile:

sorry, I got sidetracked. What were we talking about again? :smiley:

“I’m just too much for human existence – I should be animated.”
–Wayne Knight

February sounds good to me. I’ll have to check my schedule to see what my days off are that month. Doesn’t sound like Daniel is too mobile so Binghamton it will be. This is also closer to NYC so we can attract the Big Apple crowd. Remember, I’ll have all the fresh gossip from Houston. And if it’s not interesting, I’ll just make up better stuff. (“That Beatle’s a really fascinating guy. You can get so wrapped up in talking to him you stop noticing that third eye in the middle of his forehead.”)

Speaking of which, I won’t be around for planning in the second half of January. I expect to be totally off-line while I’m in Texas. So if you’re making plans, I’ll have to get involved before or after.