No ice water. No note to get yourself to the hospital, but reminiscent of the Missing Organ UL in a horrible way. Some reports state that the police have not ruled out organ theft as the motive.
There are some seriously deranged people out there.
Thanks to Coldfire et al for correcting me about the lung transplant thing. I had no idea they could do that. Consider my ignorance on that subject fought successfully.
Anyway, I do know you can sell organs in places like India and Indonesia. Trying to sell them here would be massively stupid: The police would take an active interest in such things, especially if there’s a hot case (and organs do spoil pretty quick) involving organ removal.
So given the age of the victim and the near-impossibility of selling organs here, I’d guess it was fetishistic homicide. Like Jeffrey Dahmer, with a definite MO linked to the killer’s sexual appetite.
Which means it won’t stop until the killer is in jail or dead.