Urinal Etiquette

Wow, I was there, but never had to go use the bathroom. They had a rule against 16 and 17-year olds drinking beer :confused:

What, is watersports really that unusual an interest?

Um, this friend of mine . . . yeah, a friend . . . has a casual interest in it.

What is a poofter?

Rule #0 - No Talking.

Seriously, that needs to be first on any list. No conversation is so important that it can’t wait while the snakes are being drained.

Serious Q?

Monty Python etymology suggests it’s use primarily by Australian philosophy professors as a perjorative term for homosexual. See also “poove.”

My first trough experience was shoulder-to-shoulder at Wrigley Field. Apparently a trough full of urine wasn’t disgusting enough - so someone had to vomit in there. Watching a wad of vomit sail down a urine river was enough to gross out my eight year old self.

You mean like this? trough :smiley:

Though, for those who haven’t been to Urinal.net, yet, that’s one of the less scary installations. (Look at the women’s urinals for an idea of scary…)

Nonsense, I can think of three right now:

  1. No more than two men to a bowl.

  2. Eyes front! Note: placement of mirrors can make this rule somewhat awkward.

  3. No splashing.

Err, no. Whatever floats your “friend’s” boat is fine, as long as it’s between consenting adults. Different strokes, and all that. So to speak.

But what we’re talking about is guys going into a public bathroom to take a piss, not to put themselves up for exhibition. And then others who “like seeing nekkid people” (as Ludovic put it) so much that they take advantage of that to get off on it. That’s not a case of being tolerant of unusual sexual practices; that’s just not cool, period.

And it’s not cool to assume that all gay guys are checking other guys out in bathrooms, either. I know I don’t like guys (gay or straight) looking at me when I’m doing my business, so I sure as hell wouldn’t want to check anyone else out.

Before it became the Key Arena, the Seattle Center Coliseum used to have some sinks like that. They had foot operated faucets.

There are some of those ambiguous sinks in the men’s rooms in some of the older Boeing factory buildings.

Oh, and here’s a link to the world’s longest urinal, or so they claim.

As Zippyh mentioned, those are sinks for handwashing. They had those at my elementary school – in the girls’ bathroom with the pink doors. They’re definitely NOT intended as urinals. The soap dispenser is a big clue. (Though perhaps the one you saw didn’t have one.)

IIRC they are called Bradley Sinks or Bradley Fountains. They were used (maybe still are) in industrial and institutional settings like factories or schools. There’s a diagram here. In the diagram, the soap dispenser attachments sits on top of the yellow cylindar thing. I have not seen them in more modern buidlings.

The reason I know what they’re called is because I have a friend with a strange phobia about them. I’ve seen them mostly in industrial settings when I take photos of abandoned factories

Hey, they still make them!

And they are still kinda creepy. I can see how a guy would think he was supposed to piddle in it.

In a TV interview, maybe Johnny Carson, John Wayne said he finally had to use a stall to piss in public restrooms.

He would be standing there minding his business and the guy next to him would turn to face him in amazement saying, “Why, YOU’RE JOHN WAYNE!!!” while thouroghly wetting down his (Wayne’s) pants leg and shoes.