I don’t deny that, but the US has definitely taken the opportunity to take Russia down a peg. A few pegs, as it has happened. Russian forces have performed extremely poorly against US equipment and US intelligence capability. Remember, the US announced that this invasion was happening before it started.
Cite, please?
For this war, all the blame lies with Russia.
Why should the US refuse Russian refugees?
And hey man, I am kind of a Luddite. It is not a secret that US intelligence agencies were predicting this invasion. The Washington Post has an article. It is also not a secret that US military supplies were delivered. Ill try to figure out how to provide a link, since that is required in this forum, but really you could save time and read the article from them
I don’t think we should turn them away. I just think you were wrong on the why.
Fair enough.
I clearly remember Biden being very vocal that this is not some kind of drill, but a real thing … IIRC he even put an hour-count on it (assault within 48? hours)
Google also knew before Ukr (traffic jam on google maps)
It is not a kooky statement. US intelligence agencies were releasing info publicly like crazy, back in February
Putin is pegging down of his own accord.
Yes, the United States publicly shared intelligence of a planned invasion, and has supported Ukraine in its defense. It is very likely that American support helped catalyze EU support as well.
To the extent that if America and the EU had decided to not support Ukraine then this war would have been long over with Russian in control of a puppet regime there, looking for next expansion into other countries, it is true that the American government “has had a hand in creating this situation.” Strange phrasing though.
You agreed with everything that I said. What is strange about the phrasing?
Because supporting a country that is attacked with fictional excuses and thereby preventing their immediate destruction is not generally considered having a hand in creating the situation. It is very strange wording.
It’s akin to seeing someone pushed into a river and throwing them a rope. When out of the water the victim reports the being pushed in to the police. There are troubles a result of the attacker being arrested; the attacker has family who rely on his income. Saying that the person who threw the rope had a hand in creating that situation would be odd.
The US is behaving like a powerful nation would. They took a chance to weaken a rival, and it really payed off. The US has watched many nations drown, to follow your analogy. Afghanistan is pretty recent. Iraq is not doing well lately.
I do not believe that is an accurate assessment.
Do you believe that the US is acting as a benefactor towards Ukraine because it is the right thing to do?
Depends on what you mean by “right thing to do”.
I believe the current administration believes that not supporting Ukraine from this aggression would create much more global instability and risk, including well beyond the EU theater and potential unavoidable direct NATO-Russian conflict, than supporting Ukraine does.
Less global instability and risk is good for most of the world, including the United States, so of course responding to the aggression with support is of self- interest. And the right thing to do. A successful Russia that had been constrained by broad economic interconnectivity would have been preferred to a Russia with stupidly self-inflicted wounds which has taken itself down a few pegs. Russia floundering is not in anyone’s interest except China’s.
It sounds like we are in agreement. The US chose to counter Russia in order to encourage it to play by the rules.
The rules tend to be set by the US. I stand by my previous statement that this is a power move as far as the states involved are concerned. The people living in them will feel differently. Edit: My personal opinion is to end the war ASAP, I believe it is dangerously close to going nuclear.
I should not have said that the rules are set by the US, that is not true. But, the US does have a tendency to make its own rules when it needs too. And nobody could possibly enforce any violation
I agree, the US should not refuse refugees.
The problem is that our current immigration system is broken and we’re admitting very few people at all these days. There are definitely people in this country of immigrants and refugees who no longer want to let anyone else in, and some of them are sitting in Congress.