US Government... Are they the Great Satan?

I have read many of the pro-conservative political threads on the net and these conservatives wrap themselves in the American flag, the supporters of the neo-conservative agenda decree to be Christians and their cohorts proclaim that they are moral and just yet they reek of hypocrisy. They sustain exploitation as they seek their riches and their mantra is wealth at any cost yet they announce to be compassionate. I say that they are morally bankrupt and with the enemy. Now this is just a commentary so please don’t take it personally. :smiley:

What say you?

The eighth (?) crusade?

I say you just spewed forth some hate-filled nonsense w/o a single fact to back it up.

Well John, nothing worse than what you would get from hate radio and Michael Savage, Sean Hennedy (sp?) Ann Coulter and the rest of the neo-right.

Well, no america is not the great satan it’s no cinderella either. The same can be say about almost any country in the earth (except Argentina we are not only good but cute and very smart) :slight_smile:

However many americans (at least on this board) are kind of fanatics, in the sense that they really believe all the bullshit Bush and his lackeys (or the other way around) are feeding them this days. It's really frightening when people start believing that they are the "totally good" fighting "total evil". 

All of this is of course, IMHO.

Is there a debate here?

I say that you’re rant belongs in The Pit or perhaps MPSIMS and that everyone on this board has grown dumber for having read it.

msmith537, I was hoping for some intellectual feedback with some insight from the right and their moral position about war, corporate welfare, tax cuts for the rich and other broad range thinking. I would believe since they have an opinion on just about everything including good and evil that there would be some that would have some interesting insight.

Well, then thank God, the Holy Jesus and George Bush that you opened this thread. Because there aren’t any other threads in this forum about any of those things.

Oh, just some musings on war, tax cuts, corporate welfare, and other broad swaths of thinking? I see. Sure I’ll get right back to you with several volumes on each. :rolleyes: Goodbye.

There is no “moral” question if we look at exactly who and what Saddam Hussien really is. Everyone points at Bush and the moral decline of America when you should be looking at Saddam.

Next to Saddam, Bush is a boy scout.

You can believe that America is the Great Satan, its your right and prerogative to do so, just as it is mine to think that Saddam Hussien is the Anti-Christ and we should make it our business to get rid of him utterly and completely.

I did not say that America is the Great Satan. If you read my original post it was a question and my point is that the neo-right has demonized anyone that has an opposing view. The French, protesters, world leaders, the guy in the streets freedom fries and conservatives encourage this to take place. I would seem that if a conservative were to hear this kind of rhetoric they would discount it as such but instead they pile on and perpetuate the song. I find it hard to believe that in an educated society, it is so easy to propagandize the population. Just goes to show that is hard for many to think out side of the box so to speak. BTW, I am no supporter for Saddam; we just differ on the methods necessary to reach the end. I hope that the next time you hear a right wing spin-doctor that you listen very closely to what venom they spew.

Just to prove my point, I would have used the word your instead of you’re before I read the OP.