USA Arms Sales-Arsenal of Democracy?

I really didn’t know which section to put this in, but since it may start some discussions I thought it best to begin in GD. If the moderators disagree, please feel free to move it.

Anyway…The US of A, by law, must let people (starting with Congress) know about major arms deals (those that are Government-to-Government; Corporation-to-Foreign Government is a bit dicier). So on this (unclassified) site is the major arms deals that the Government (with Congresssional Notification and approval) have done since 2008. Major Arms Sales | Defense Security Cooperation Agency

Interesting points to consider as you peruse.

So. I guess the question is, given the information provided, is or has the US been acting wisely these past few years on what they are selling and whom they are selling it to?

The past few years? It’s not like this is something new.

I can’t say I’d call it wise, no.

Law requires that U.S. arms sales preserve a qualitative military advantage compared to other countries in the region. So for example, we aren’t going to sell F-35s to Saudi Arabia.

Do you mean we sold arms to Iraq that may fall into ISIL’s hands? You wrote Iran, with whom we’ve had no sanctioned arms deals for quite some time.