Uxbridge English Dictionary

The thread on easily confused words is a treasure trove of quirks of the English language; it also reminded me of this radio comedy game, which involves rather more radical confusions, as follows:

Capability: what good matadors have
Capable: what good matadors try to do
Inescapable; what Ines was told to do on her first day at matador school
Convertible: of butchers, to produce steaks
Digestible: to enjoy a steak

Incompetent: Bad at camping
Arrow: Where cockneys go to school
Fearsome: bad at maths.

Carbolic: humorous vehicle accessory, often found on trucks.
Diabolic: To make an ill-judged attempt at body art
Shambolic: On closer inspection, a gooseberry.

Any more?

Creche: a posh road accident

Abominable: a round explosive device

Abundance: the hokey-cakey

In case any explanation needed:

  • ‘Arrow: Where cockneys go to school’; Harrow is an English school and cockneys drop their 'h’s
  • ‘Abundance: the hokey-cakey’; hokey-cokey is a dance