Huge new study confirms it as well as the fact that serious reactions are rare.
This has to be seen as the final nail in the coffin. It won’t but it should be.
Huge new study confirms it as well as the fact that serious reactions are rare.
This has to be seen as the final nail in the coffin. It won’t but it should be.
Water is wet.
Sadly anti-vax freakjob murderers will not give a damn about this.\
Is Jenny McCarthy still pretending she was never anti-vax while attending anti-vax conventions?
Sky is blue.
Antivaxers have no clue.
Yet another snow job from Big Pharma. Wake up, sheeple!
I know. I know. I know. But I thought I would share anyway. In the interests of combating ignorance and all.
One of the participants in that study was the RAND Corporation, which as we all know manipulates people into supporting the government, attempting to start World War III, and establish the New World Order, probably by eliminating the world’s population through vaccines in order to establish dominance of the technocratic elite.
We are not fooled. :eek::smack:
Link to the meta-analysis:
I had to look at the original article, and sure enough, it included this phrase:
Who wrote, this? Cletus, the slack-jawed Yokel?
No it isn’t. It’s all a conspiracy from big towel.
I was among some crazy woo people just recently, and I was talking about human security and how most states are really averse to the idea, and TWO people nodded and simultaneously said: “Ahh yes, because of Big Pharma!”
And I swear, for the life of me, I cannot begin to imagine what “Big Pharma” has to do with human security.
The next person I talked to was learning all edible plants by heart because he believed the 4G network rays were going to destroy the world… and somehow knowing edible plants would be useful in this scenario.
The next person I spoke to asked me what I was doing towards a world with no money.
I mention this only so that you don’t get your hopes up. Prices will rise, politicians will philander and crazy people will be crazy. Evidence does not cure crazy. Though I agree, it is some shiny, pretty evidence!
ETA: I swear I am not making this up! These people were all together in one place. It was a really pretty community garden and was totally worth it once I managed to run away from the crazy people.
America landed on the moon in 1969.
TWA 800 simply blew up, there was no missile.
That image in your tortilla is just an oddly-shaped brown mark.
Yes, but I have come to conclude JFK was assassinated by the publishing industry - because LOOK AT ALL OF THE BOOKS ON THE SUBJECT!
It didn’t help matters that Britain’s Private Eye magazine mentioned a possible link between MMR (not all vaccines) and autism, in some story about how Big Medical was trying to save money by forcing a single MMR vaccine rather than the three individual ones onto everybody.
I have a crackpot theory about TWA 800 that might explain what some people saw; it’s possible that a fuel tank sprung a leak, and something ignited the stream of fuel, causing the visible flame to travel along the stream until it reached the fuel tank and ignited it.
So it really is a cracked (fuel) pot theory.
So Big Pharma has gotten so desperate in its campaign of lies and coverups that they are not even making a pretense of studying the real world and real victims. This is just a study of their previous bogus studies! Of course they are going to come up with the same conclusion!
No matter how many studies they publish and how many studies of their studies they publish, no study can be truer than a mother’s intuition. A mother knows what is right for her children in her heart.
Chill before you hit the reply button. Chill.
Andrew Wakefield has a lot to answer.
Lavender thanks for fighting the good fight.
That’s just YOUR opinion, and MY opinion is every bit as valid as yours. :mad:
FTR, my opinion is the same as LavenderBlue’s, based on much the same evidence. When you’re right you’re right, right?
Kolga and I are going to attempt another book proposal on this subject over the summer. I have learned an awful lot on this subject that I want to share that was not covered in our first book – info on adult vaccines and the like. I think there will always be a need for a strong and vocal pro-vaccine movement. We need to help combat the vast array of misinformation about this subject that is still so readily available.
The good news? Certain disease (polio, rubella, measles) are very close to joining smallpox on the ash heap of history. There’s also wonderful developments including more vaccines in the future and vaccines that can be delivered without needles.
The bad? There’s a vocal, loud and organized anti-vax movement. I think there always will be. We’ll just have to rely on vigilance, education and herd immunity.