Vaginal Discharge

I really hate being a woman sometimes.

Like now. My period is mostly over, but not totally. I don’t wear underwear so a panty-liner is out of the question, and there isn’t enough blood to warrant my Keeper. Mostly it is the typical stuff that usually comes out (which is annoying enough all by itself. Yick.) except that once in a while it’s got blood in it.

Whose brilliant idea was the female anatomy, anyway? Who said “hey, a thing that oozes slime constantly… that would be cool! And hey!! How about making it point down, so that there isn’t any real way to control it! Right on! Are you writing this down? I want a model on my desk by Friday!”


I agree.

It’s even worse if you have my reaction to Depo, I have had a very light period for nearly 2 1/2-3 weeks now, every now and then blood will appear, then the next day it will just be normal, then it will be a little brownish…aarrgghh. It gets very annoying. I wish it would just leave already and come back in a few months.

Being a woman does suck sometimes. But there are those good things like…


Nope. I’m all out.

Well it was either that or the other model that also behaved unpredictably, oozes intermittantly and points up if you’re lucky.

Multiple orgasms?

Ever since I started the birth control pill, my period is normal for one day and the icky brownish stuff for five days. I’m much happier now that I’m on the pill, though. Before, I wished my period would just gush out of me all at one time–sit on the toilet for an hour or so and be done until next month. <Sigh> One could only hope.

I would just like to say that I think this thread is totally disgusting.

Not that anyone cares what I think, but hey, I just had to stick my 2 pennies worth in.

Me too!

What did you expect from a thread titled “Vaginal Discharge”?

Exactly what I found.

When will I ever learn?!

Anyone else get those amazing globules of rubber-cement like discharge? I think this is cervical mucous indicating ovulation (not sure) but good lord!!! I wonder how this stuff got in me, and if there is some industrial application for it . . .

:eek: The title alone is TMI!

I think that stuff is cool! :stuck_out_tongue:

I get those when I’m just getting over a yeast infection. It’s by far the least gross (imho) and neatest thing that comes out of a vagina.

Oh, now stop it. You’re just making it up as you go along now.

I think you are right. I get the same thing exactly two weeks into the cycle but it’s still anybody’s guess as to how long after that I’ll get my period.

Rysdad… I think most of us wish we were making this stuff up because then we wouldn’t actually be going through it.

Speaking of TMI…

The mucus you get with ovulation is wet and slimy but very stringy - you can stretch it way out. What I think of as rubber-cement discharge is just past that, when it starts to thicken up and get blobby.

I’m so happy that I no longer have to worry whether I’m ovulating or whether I’m pregnant or not pregnant.

ACK! I hate those. They’re EXACTLY like rubber cement!

Rubber cement!!! (Where’s a barfing smiley when you REALLY need one?)

I feel quite sick and am starting to wish I was gay. It’s amazing what the SDMB can do.

I gotta weigh in here in defense of vaginas.

While I’m quite happy with having a penis, it wouldn’t be much fun without vaginas around (hopefully temporarily discharge-free;))

Hello, my name is Astroboy14, and I love vaginas!:smiley:

Well, there goes my appetite for the year!

When am I going to learn to not open these threads? I’m like a moth to an open flame!