I took two polygraph for fidelity and failed. I have never cheated but I got a result for “significant response” using what’s call utah method. Are such tests good for testing such emotional situations as fidelity? How could I fail if I’ve never cheated? How can I prove my innocence when the tests give such results???This is imperative to current relationship and need real answers and support/help. Please respond as soon as possible. Thank you.
I’m pretty sure that polygraphs as lie detectors, are bullshit.
They objectively measure relative arousal, not lies. (though the two may or may not overlap).
How could you have “failed” it? because it is not accurate.
How can you prove your innocence? certainly not by using the same fallible equipment.
Also, if you are in a relationship where you are having to take polygraph tests in the first place then you probably have bigger issues to deal with than the validity of the results.
Without trust, any relationship is doomed. Better to walk away now I think.
You can’t prove a negative, in almost all cases. Short of having a video camera on you every day of your life, and running that back in 10X fastforward for your partner, how are you supposed to show that you’ve never cheated?
Whereas, all you have to do to prove that you have cheated is to go and film 10 seconds of yourself having sex with someone who isn’t your partner.
Polygraphs have a certain false-positive rate, so there’s no guarantee that you won’t get falsely accused if you’re trusting to a simple numeric analysis of the data. Once that happens, because of the above reality, you’re boned. Basically, you shouldn’t take a polygraph to begin with unless the topic you’re being questioned for is one where you have a way that you can prove your innocence. If it is not, and you would be left proving a negative, then you were unwise to allow yourself to be polygraphed.
Though, I’ll also note, that polygraphs aren’t a device that tells truth - though the others who have responded to you, saying that, are somewhat off in their description. To use a polygraph for truth detection, you need to pair it with basic interrogation techniques of confusing the person, forcing them to retell the same story while flustered, looking for logical inconsistencies, etc. The polygraph helps an interrogator to pinpoint where the person’s responses are heightened as they answer, and helps them to narrow in on where that person is less comfortable with the line of questioning.
If you murdered someone and you ditched the weapon somewhere, and the police are allowed to strap a polygraph onto you and play 20 questions, asking you what you did with the weapon, even if you don’t tell them, your reactions are probably going to give them a good idea of where to focus their search. If they say, “Did you throw it in the river?” And you don’t react, and then they ask, “Did you bury it?” And your heart rate spikes, then they know to narrow in on places to ask about digging - your yard, the forest, a hill, etc.
The presentation of a polygraph as a science, with a number that comes out that firmly pronounces you a truthteller or a liar is not how the machine works if you’re being honest about it. But if you want to dig into someone’s brain and make it harder for them to lie to you, under hard questioning, that can work if you understand how to go about the inquisition honestly and if you use the information you gleaned to go and find positive evidence (e.g., the murder weapon that was buried in the park).
Your OP raises many unanswered questions:
Where does one gain access to polygraph testing for cheating?
Why did you take it twice?
Why were you suspected of cheating?
Why are you interested in a relationship that is founded on such great mistrust?
Polygraphs are for criminals. If your relationship has devolved to the point where your spouse is treating you like a criminal, it’s over already.
If my wife asked me to take a polygraph, I am outta there pronto.
The OP is in a relationship with someone who can afford to pay for two independent polygraph tests. This may explain why the OP is interested in continuing the relationship.
Or, they have made there way to Dr. Phil.