Vatican Beefcake Calendar

Agenda Inc.

DAAAmm, but some of them are hotties!

Holy, moley. When I was growing up, the parish priest at St. Catherine’s didn’t look nuthin’ like these guys. If he would have, I’d have been spending lots of time in confession during my youth.

It’s like something out of Father Ted.

…or Guido Sarducci.

My, those are some hotties! If only I were back in grade school so I’d have a shot at them!

Well, that certainly clears things up.

Bless me, father…I’d like to sin! :smiley:

Well, I’m having impure thoughts! :smiley:

With Priests like that, who needs choir boys? :eek:


Is this the one-way bus to hell? Why yes. Yes it is. This priest is so pretty, it’s worth the trip!

But isn’t this one of the signs of the apocalypse? Men who’ve taken vows of celibacy using sex to make money? What’s next? Father Joseph making like Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy? No don’t tell me he has already! <fingers in ears> La La La I Can’t Hear You!!!

“Mr. April, bless me for I have sinned.”

Phwoar! But what a waste! How absolute are vows of celibacy, do you think?

Judging by the news over the last few years, not very.

Those *eyes * are heavenly, for sure.

Bring out the nuns, I say.

Excuse me, Fathe, is that a crozier under your cassock or are you happy to see me?

(Please be happy to see me! Please be happy to see me!)

I suddenly have a strong, overpowering urge to convert…

Depends on the superior who’s handling things. My father knew of a monk who walked into the abbot’s office, suitcase packed and a woman who importance was pretty obvious by his side. Said simply “I wish to be relieved of my vows.” Granted.

Also granted that this is purely anecdotal and I have no earthly idea where you’d find stats on the % of requests for granted relieval.

None of the priests in my church were that good looking. I feel cheated :smiley: