Vatican Newspaper Endorses the Blues Brothers

Right. I don’t know what they’re drinking over there. Maybe they’re trying to see how outrageous they can get.

I’m sure my nuns would’ve loved being called “the penguin” and being known as serial ruler-slappers. I’m not sure what else specifically Catholic about this relates to Catholicism. (Anybody can say they’re “on a mission from God”)

I’m certain that this is the only film featuring a used condom that’s “recommended viewing for Catholics everywhere.” Handled by the voice of Miss Piggy, no less.

I’m not putting down either The Blues Brothers or l’Osservatore Romano, you understand. I just find the endorsement … odd.

Risking re-incarceration, life, limb, and the life and limbs of innocent Illinois motorists in order to scrape up enough bread for a Catholic school to pay its bills is behavior the Chicago dioceses wants to encourage in its parishioners. Also, the Pope really likes Cab Calloway

Hmmmm… I hope the latest pope doesn’t mind the swipes at the Nazis.

Here is another Catholic publication with a less than enthusiastic consideration of the story.

A few guesses (in addition to Annie’s excellent points):

– When the Brothers (who are on a mission from God given to them by the nun they call the Penguin) make the Illinois Nazis look like fools, it might help the Catholic Church distance itself from any claims of WWII collaboration.

– Endorsing the film, which includes a big Gospel song-and-dance number in the Triple Rock Baptist Church, might help foster a feeling of ecumenism among Catholics.

– Elwood makes a date to meet Twiggy at a motel–but he stands her up! Not only is it obvious that extramarital sex is something Elwood thought about and chose not to follow through on; but helping the Catholic Church’s orphanage is obviously more important than sex.

– American Rhythm and Blues featuring drums, bass, guitar, a brass section, and understandable vocals; is a lot more fun and appealing to today’s parishoners than boring old German and Italian organ music accompanied by choirs singing in Latin.

There is a certain morality to the movie - Jake and Elwood try to help the orphanage because it’s the Right Thing To Do. And they try to do it without stealing, although that may be due to Fear Of The Penguin. In the end, they do break a law here and there, but they take the punishment - the movie ends with them in prison.

Or maybe the Pope just used to have a crush on Aretha Franklin. What do I know.

From an anti-birth control perspective, re-using a condom makes sense.

I love one of the comments:

“Jake and Elwood wouldn’t approve of child molesters.”

Maybe he hates just Illinois Nazis too.

They were on a mission from god. :smiley:

I’m an observant Catholic, saw the movie 30 yeras ago and was underwhelmed (I loved Cab Calloway’s number, liked Aretha’s, and was generally bored by most of the rest). I certainly don’t have any moral problems with the movie- it just didn’t entertain me much.

If a writer on the staff of the Vatican newspaper liked the Blues Brothers, that’s fine by me, but I’m starting to wonder if the paper isn’t making some kind of planned, long-term effort to show how hip and non-stodgy they are by writing so much about pop culture.

If they are, well, they should it’s not going to work. NOBODY who liked the Beatles or the Blues Brothers has been waiting all this time for the Church’s blessing, and NOBODY is going to say now, “Wow, the Church is pretty cool after all.”

I guess the Vatican is really up shit creek.

Or maybe it was Carrie Fisher totin’ a machine gun? Yowza!

WHAT… did you say?