My boys asked me where the Vice President lives, and I explained that since the mid-1970s he’s had a home at the Naval Observatory. They asked if he ever stays at the White House. As amusing as it is to think of Dick Cheney having Mitch McConnell and John Boehner over for a slumber party when the Bushes are out of town, I don’t think I’ve ever read or heard about a Veep staying overnight at the White House, ever. Dinner, sure. Parties, often. But never a sleepover.
The VP and President are not supposed to hang out together all that much for security reasons. It has to happen sometimes but overnight stays in the White House are frivolous and an unnecessary risk especially since there are alternate accommodations nearby for the VP. The SS always has to have a number of security of plans in place anyway.
i would imagine that the only time the vp would stay over, would be in an actual emergency. an attack, or during a night raid or some sort of thing like that.
night raid meaning military action, not running out to tp a house or something of that sort.
I used to have an office right along the motorcade route the current VP took home from the White House each day. Right at 5:15 or 5:30 – exactly right to snarl traffic for an hour. What an asshole.
Thanks, everyone. Since 9-11, or even during the Cold War, I can understand security concerns about having the top two guys under the same roof for a prolonged period. And before that, the Vice President was usually out of the loop on just about everything (Exhibit A: Truman and the Manhattan Project), and often not exactly welcome around the White House. It does seem a little odd, though, that since the White House was built none of us can think of a single Veep who spent the night there.