Veggie Tales

Here’s how I see it. The Sistine Chapel’s ceiling is religious in nature. It’s also pretty nice art. Depriving yourself of gazing at it because of it’s religious nature is just silly. As art it stands on it’s own.

I got drunk and watched the Left Behind movie. Pure crap. It doesn’t stand on its own, and I don’t think the religious aspects prop it up enough for even a fundamental christian to think it’s pretty good.

Veggie tales gets its moral messages from the Bible. It doesn’t disguise this, or apologize for doing so. However, there is no hidden subtext, or agenda.

It’s pretty fun, and clever. And if you have never seen the “Dance of the Cucumber,” both you and your children are missing out.

1st, I’d like to be the last to jump on the “Ain’t Feynn cool?” bandwagon. (Coolest Newbie has dropped off the front page; I’ll just post it here.)

2nd: That’s the point. No religion. No belief in hell. Moral anyway.

I don’t think this “Christian Propoganda” is going to twist my son’s head. (Yes, St.G, ‘Christian’ is a dirty word to me.) I’ve got a lot of priest, reverend, rabbi, & preacher friends, who are mostly pissed at me, but are at least willing to keep the dialogue going.

I actually know a lot more about Catholicism than Ms. Pinky, who only knows what she was taught in Catholic school. I get blank stares when I try to bring up the politics surrounding the Nicene Creed, or the history of the Jesuits, or current ‘Army of Mary’ stuff.

I was raised in a very religious household, & got over it. (right). Ms. Pinky was raised in a very religious household, & wants to inflict it on our son.

She’s Sicilian. I’m Norwegian. What fun.

So there’s a daily fight over the moral training of our son. Which will eventually be moot.

Actions speak louder than words. & when he can read, there’s the library, (aka the living room).

Even at 3, he’s different that us - we’re pretty verbal. He takes after Ma, he’s emotional.

He WORSHIPS trees and the moon. He is not going to do well in catachism class.

But he’ll be an ok guy, eventually.

I’m sure he’s an okay guy right now. However, is it right that you judge these tapes by your “morality”? Because you’re judging them. The tapes aren’t evil. And if people choose to teach their children lessons compatible with Judeo-Christian ethics, is that wrong? You aren’t being forced to have your son watch them (although with his tree fetish he might enjoy talking veggies). You have no right to condemn the tapes or the people who choose to view them.

I’m somewhat surprised that you’d allow your son to be “contaminated” by catechism.


I think that anything that can stem the tide of Vegan propaganda forced on our kids, videos that leave our kids unable to look a tomato in the eye and eat it without guilt, is an unalloyed good!

Plus, they are REALLY funny. And the graphics are really well done.

I’m an atheist, but you rabid anti-christians should pull the pickles out of your own asses and develop a little tolerance. You are as bad as Jerry Falwell.

Not clear where your going here, St.G.

Yeah, I’m a pagan & so’s my 3 yr. old. Pinky Mama is rabidly Catholic.

All arguments around here end with everybody naked making farting noises on everybody eles skin.

I don’t think exposure to these henious christian tapes is going to change his concept of the universe.

fr instance, he now sez “'Scuze me, Ma, Da” when he wants to get away from the table,