I live in California, and brought a used Acura from a friend, the plates are expired. Now I know I have to get it insured and smogged before I can register it, but I also have to drive it to accomplish this, oh and I need to pay off my wife’s parking tickets on her old vehicle. I know California gives out temporary tags for this purpose, but I couldn’t find any information at their site on this procedure. Anybody know the SD?
I don’t think they do, actually. This vehicle is already registered, but is delinquent, so the “temporary tags” thing doesn’t apply. You should be able to take care of the insurance over the phone, since you already have insurance on another car, and the DMV will accept payment without the smog, for now. Here’s what you do:
Call the insurance agent, explain your situation, and get the car covered.
Pay the DMV the registration fees and the penalty for late payment. This will prevent further penalties from accruing.
Now get it smogged; yes, your butt will be hanging out when you drive it, but as long as you ONLY drive it to the testing station, your risk is minimal. If you do get pulled over, explain that you have to get the car smogged before you can register, and show him your proof of insurance. He will probably not issue a ticket, but if he does, it should be dismissed later on when you show proof of registration. If you draw an asshole cop, an asshole clerk, AND an asshole judge, you’re screwed, but the chances are tiny.
Um, you HAVE notified DMV of the purchase, right? That has to be done within 5 days, and they’ll be sending you a bill.
I purchased it just hours before I posted the message. But I have seen tem tags, they’re a little colored paper with a number on them. Thanks for your help, I’ll go that route if I can’t do anythng else. The insurance agent wants to inspect it before they’ll add it to our policy.
I’m pretty sure the colored paper tags are only issued to unregistered vehicles, but I could be wrong. Are you sure your agent won’t issue a liability-only policy over the phone, and let you upgrade after the car is registered?