Newspaper headlines: often, no verbs.
Even some news stories without verbs.
Presumably, this OP understandable without verbs.
So: verbs- really necessary?
Perhaps yes, perhaps no.
Moderator’s Note: Off to IMHO.
Unless you want to go through life without ever being able to say “fuck you”.
Foolish question.
No verbs? You is being wacked!
“Fuck! You again?”
verbs - overrated
Well, according to half the people I tutor verbs aren’t necessary, and the other half think that conjugated verbs aren’t necessary. :rolleyes:
No verbs? My writing odd. Eloquence gone, difficult self-expression. Caveman style reappearance? Maybe. Ally-Oop? No! Og! Og! Og!
Wait… “Smash” is a verb too. What’s poor old Og to do?
“Tomorrow I my wife workplace.”
Without verbs, this is a meaningless statement. Add different verbs and you get different meanings:
“Tomorrow I will drive my wife to her workplace.”
“Tomorrow I will sleep in and my wife will drive to her workplace.”
“Tomorrow I will meet my wife at her workplace.”
“Tomorrow I and my wife will take the bus to our workplace.”
Furthermore, the word “understandable” (which is used in the OP) is an adjective derived from the verb “understand”.
You are writing a literal translation of Russian which has no verb “to be” in the present tense. So in Russian you say “My wrting odd.”
English, it seems to me, has no future form of “to go.” We use auxilliary verb or words like “He is going to go.” or “I will go tomorrow” or things like that.
And, of course vowels aren’t needed either. Some languages, I think ancient Hebrew was one, use only consonants with diacritical marks to indicate pronumciation.
At this rate we’ll make language so simple even I will be able to use it.
Description of states easy. Verb “to be” often implied - as per David Simmons, in Russian, always implied, never stated.
Description of actions less easy. Description of complex actions, with direct and indirect objects, flippin’ awkward. Possibly easier in inflected languages, where case endings indicative of word roles in sentence? (That last sentence really flippin’ awkward.)
Verb often seen as core element of sentence; sentence incomplete without verb. Even in languages where no formal distinction between parts of speech, sentence incomplete without element translatable only as verb in language with such distinctions.
My brain now painful. Cessation of this necessary.
“Verb often seen”
Don’t try and say you were using “seen” as an adjective…
Steve Wright:
Form of writing like some of the original Star Trak villains.
“Seen” past participle. Participles adjectives, at least in traditional grammar. Tansu not fair! Not playing any more! Waaah!
A participle is a verb used as an adjective, like a gerund is a verb used as a noun. If there were no verbs you’d have no word “see” to use as an adjective. So no fair using it!
Verbs are necessary, I think, in order to facilitate coherent communication between individuals. Clarity is something essential to our language, and to sacrifice that would be to limit our very mode of thought. Sort of like Newspeak or something.
However, seeing as I lost the “no, it is not and by all rights never should be acceptable to use ‘how r u? Im fine but u suk’ in formal written langauge, no matter how many stupid people use it online” debate at Christmas Eve dinner with my family, I could be wrong. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I’m still bitter.
An even simpler example:
I you.
Based on what I’ve just said, are you gonna hug me or slug me?
Computer geeks actually like to coin new verbs, so they are hardly unnecessary if the the terse ones like to create them.
Or, as the old fortune line goes:
“All nouns can be verbed.”
Aagh! Kryptonite! Mind weak…speech…disjointed…verbs…lost…Lois! Ugh.