Vertigo (No not the movie)

I’ve had episodes of Vertigo off and on for quite

some time. I hadn’t had any severe episodes in probably 8? years. Until Sunday morning. I literally (yes I really mean literally) could not get out of bed. I sat up when my alarm went off and it was like a giant toddler had given my whole room a spin like a giant top, and I was sitting in the middle. It was so severe that I just tipped back over on my back. I re-settled myself and tried again, with the same outcome. I couldn’t sit up let alone stand, and getting ready for work or goddess help DRIVE were right out. I’m a bit better today, but I’m still having some really bad moments. Does anyone else here struggle with this crap? Any tips on how to deal with it make it go away?

You can get some over the counter drugs:

or try the Eply maneuver:

Have you been evaluated for Meniere’s Disease?

I suffered from labyrinthitis for a while a few years ago. The symptoms were very similar to the OP’s description.

The only medication I was given was an antibiotic for the infection and prochlorperazine for the accompanying nausea. I am now totally deaf in one ear but the dizzy spells eventually cleared up.

Another vote for the Epley maneuver.

I’ve had bouts of vertigo for over 15 years now. Ive had a lot of success with the Epley maneuver in quickly resolving them and minimizing the symptoms.

I had a terrible bout of Vertigo a few years ago, and nothing helped but the Epley maneuver, which took care of it very quickly. If it keeps happening, I would see a specialist to ensure nothing more serious is going on.

Me, too, with one side note: the Epley Maneuver did ZILCH. :grimacing:
I kept having episodes, doc sent me to a Vertigo Specialist, who said NO, this isn’t vertigo. It’s a mild migraine with no other symptoms.

So now I have Migraine Meds that I take when I get “that feeling” and know one’s coming on. And I take meclazine (Drammamine) for the dizziness…

…and ginger for the nausea. It is magic for any kind of motion sickness.

What will work for you will depend on the specific cause. I have BPPV and the Epley maneuver works for me. I knew someone with Menieres who had to just take meds and wait it out.
I would suggest that you read up on the Epley maneuver (you can do it yourself at home) and try it to see if it gives you any relief. I usually have to do it 2 - 4 times in a row, but it does it for me. If that doesn’t work, see a specialist.
Good luck.

I get the spins when I turn in bed. I normally lay on my right side. Turning to the left brings the spins for about 45 sec. I close my eyes and lay still until they go away.

I don’t believe it’s that. I don’t have any of the other symptoms associated with that.

I did try it, but not the way (time and reps.) mentioned in the article. I will start tonight. I may try ginko too. Thank you for the suggestions and link.

How about B12 deficincy? I started taking B12 on the advice of my doctor. Got rid of it almost entirely.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I’ve read a bit since and found that my tinnitus could be associated with it. I’ve had that sooo long I almost don’t even think about it as a “thing” anymore. That is, as long as I have some white noise or any noise going. I guess…stupidly I forwent insurance. I did this because I was 2 1/2 years away from medicare and I had to quit working full time to care for my husband, he has Parkinson’s. Sooo it was a gamble. I’m pretty healthy over all, but surprise.

I’ll try B12 too.

I started a thread about vertigo a few weeks ago.

Yeah, we’re rehashing word-for-word what was in that thread. Including BPPV and Meniere’s Disease (ohmigosh, I just reread that thread and we’ve got the same posters asking exactly the same questions).

I’m assuming there’s no way for a mod to say “Don’t post in that old thread, post here instead”. Should we merge them?

May I ask what form of ginger do you take, and how much?

I don’t know about digs, but I just buy candied ginger and I chew it for upset stomach.

Was the deafness a side effect from curing the vertigo or was that a separate thing? For me, unless the vertigo was daily, that would have been a bad trade off.