Very Vaguely Dirty

There is an ice cream truck driving around my neighborhood named ‘Kiddy Lick.’ Their logo is an obviously female cartoon cat. With boobs. Licking an ice cream cone.
There is something vaguely dirty about that to me, but I can’t put my finger on it. I’m not sure if it’s the Kiddy-Kitty-Pussy word association I do in my head, or if it’s the cat with boobs. Or maybe it’s just the word ‘Lick’ that’s so boldly emblazoned on the side of the truck.

So, do you find anything very vaguely dirty?

And, on a related note…Is it just me, or does the thread titled Chubb Institute make you giggle to yourself?
Hee hee… ‘Chubb.’ Sorry Chrome Spot. :smiley:


Damn it, I meant to post this in MPSIMS.

Mods, feel free to move.

I’m keeping this one in IMHO. Both of your questions are better than some I’ve gotten recently(note the Show-ers vs. Growers penis comparison thread! :))

[edited for spelling. no, I diddn’t mispell penis!]

[Edited by Czarcasm on 07-10-2001 at 07:31 AM]

Wicked Blue, I’ve got to agree with you on all points as regards the ice cream truck thing. On top of which, I jumped on the “Chubb Institute” thing this morning. No … wait, that didn’t come out right.

The one I see regularly is the old “Sugar Daddy” commercial TV Land shows from time to time. In case you haven’t seen it, it’s like a Linda Lovelace training film, nuff said.

But you did misspell a couple of words, didn’t you;)?

I’m still wondering about the “yard o’ beef” deal. First, vaguely dirty, and second, whatever happened to truth in advertising?

I missed this one. (I do remember "Sugar Daddy"s - slab o’ caramel on a stick.) Tell me about the commercial.

Only because you asked …

see for yourself.

There is a trucking company in Canada called Hornoi Leasing…I always read it as Horny leasing…and I wonder how you can lease horniness…


It may not be dirty, but I find “power strips” to sound a whole lot more interesting than they are.

this maybe isn’t so much very vaguely dirty as it is very vaguely Freudian …

There’s an advertising poster I walk by almost every single day (though I couldn’t tell you what it’s advertising – some finance company I think). There’s a young boy sitting, holding a popsicle in his hand sort of just over his lap, but he’s looking up at something in the sky, maybe a plane passing overhead. While he’s distracted, the young girl sitting next to him is leaning over and about to lick the popsicle.

It’s the sort of thing you only notice after passing it many times and something about it strikes you as odd. Yet it doesn’t really seem suggestive at all, just vaguely so.

Allow me to be the first to remind everyone of the Culver City Meat Company and their slogan.

Honest to god - I actually first saw that truck (and its slogan) on the Santa Monica Freeway, and damn near caused a four-lane wide collision laughing so hard. (Gives a new meaning to ROTFL!)

Once I saw an ad for a clam resturant that said “Shuck me, Suck me, Eat me raw”. If thats not very vaguely dirty I don’t know what is. :slight_smile:

I am wracking my brain trying to recall the name of the company that uses this slogan, but I’m coming up blank. i know I’ve seen it on the sides of their trucks, and on matchbook covers…

“Enjoy life, eat out more often”

(wiping away a tear) I think I need to have a t-shirt made with that slogan on it.

On that note, I saw a t-shirt advertising (presumably) for a brand of honey.

“Be healthy, eat your honey”

The accompanying picture of a cartoon bee in a suggestive pose means it’s probably on purpose. :slight_smile:

S.E. Rykoff and their East Coast distributors.

My wife and I were going into an office last week and I nearly killed myself due to the slogan on the front door-
“Deliveries in rear except by hand”.

A local restaurant has a billboard on the right side of a major road, with their logo and an arrow pointing left towards a driveway, with the words “Easier Rear Entry” underneath the arrow.

How’s this for unintended filth?

The latest release of Debian Linux is called “woody”. An email I got referred to the “woody installer” not working.

In May, the admins at the school I help out at started requiring students to sign out mouse balls to use a computer. All involved with collecting and distributing them were very sure to refer to “mouse balls” and not simply say “balls”.

A type of candy made by Just Born, Inc. (not Peeps) has this printed on the back of the box:

“Our candies aren’t made, they’re Just Born.”


The only thing better would have been if “Snatch” was also playing.

Or “Shaft”