Veterans Day and "thank you for your service"

offers morning coffee

This. Really, nothing else needs to be said.

So why comment at all on this?

As we’re in mpsims, I can’t properly reply to this stupid ass post. But seriously?

I can’t imagine most vets being offended by questions like “What was your rate/MOS/specialty/training?” Or “Where have you been stationed?” I also expect vets *don’t *want to be asked “How many people did you kill?” To me it’s like asking a college grad “What was your major?” It’s a way to start a conversation, and you take your cue from the answer you get.

It probably depends on where and when they served. The Vietnam vets I was friends with varied dependant on if they were in jungle or periphereal support. The Navy & Air Force guys were fine talking about their time, the army vets not so much. For WWII most I knew would talk about it but not my step-grandfather. I only found out recently he was on the USS Indianpolis when it went down so I understand why he wouldn’t want to talk about it.

I reply with “Thank you.” I don’t have much else to say. I do occasionally thank the other person for paying for my college, but only if I’m close enough to the thanker.

My grandfather’s fell into the gap between WWI & WWII. I spent 4 years in the Navy.

My neighbors Dad flew fighters in Europe in WWII. We killed a bottle of scotch one night and he told me stories he never told his own kids.

My best friend growing up was one of 20 some grandkids of 9 children. Old Mr. Paul fought in the Pacific. None of the kids or grandkids joined up. He was always great to me. Actually he was great to everybody, but was especially kind to me. They have a neat farm setup with 3 houses together. I’d go to see my friend Paul III, but if Mr. Paul was out I’d always stop to talk to him.

If one vet says to another something like “cheers mate.” I’m totally cool with that. I’m in the bridge generation between the WWII guys and everybody that’s been in the desert lately.

The WWII guys had a hell of a sense of duty. The Viet Nam and Korea guys got psychologically fucked over. Anybody that signed up lately I’ll buy a beer for any day of the week.

As far as a civilian saying thanks. I think yeah whatever. But tomorrow on the 11th, I’m going out to eat, hitting up home depot and whatever else for a discount.

Exactly. Conversation usually starts with ‘what service were you in?’ and goes from there. Conversations between vets are usually brief, unless you hang out in bars where they congregate. It’s why I’ve never joined VFW or any other of those organizations. Sitting around listening to drunks bellyache about what happened in the past is not my idea of a good time.

The ads I’ve seen locally advertising discounts/freebies for veterans all say something like “must show military ID”, which renders me ineligible. I’m not a retiree, not on active or reserve status, and don’t have any military ID. I got out in 1992. I guess it’s no soup for me…:confused:

There are separation forms (DD214) , or I still have my IRR pink military ID card somewhere. Many places will just take your word for it. Many state provide an option for adding it to your drivers license, NJ is one of those states. By next year, I think you can ask for and get a vets card. The minor legislation for this passed recently. Anyway, just a few ways to go about this. I’m full of good ideas and yet never do it myself. :smiley:

Visit the bar I hang out at. On the 11th all veterans get their first draft beer free. Usually the same group of guys show up each year, and proof isn’t necessary since everyone knows each other. After vets have had their first, non-vets (myself included) will buy a round for any vets that have had their freebie already. Beer is drunk and stories told.

One year a doofus came in wanting his free beer. The tradition isn’t advertised, it’s all word of mouth. Someone asked him where he served and a few other simple questions, which he couldn’t answer. A couple of veterans escorted him out.

No poppy giver putters are here. Is that still done?

I just moved to PA and was presently happy to see if you show your DD2014 they put a flag on your drivers licenses to show you are a veteran .

Arby’s for example gives the same 10% discount to vets as they do to senior citizens.

I heard the VA will now give out an ID card to any eligible vet. So you can get your soup too.

I said in another thread I signed up with the VA this year and have treated like gold. Stop in to get a photo ID card, it took 10 minutes. Getting to talk to a therapist, a primary care physician, prescription meds blew me away.

yes it is still done. Not as prevalent, seemingly, as it once was. When I was taking a more active role in my American Legion Post, we had a handful of folks volunteer to hand out the paper poppies. Not sure if that’s the case anymore though since I cut way back on Legion activities

Re the OP, I dunno what to say when I’m thanked. I try to avoid the subject of my service. Yeah, I’m damn proud of it, but I didn’t do anything special, go anywhere dangerous (unless you count the local strip bar). When I can’t avoid it, I just either say your welcome or request the thanker to go volunteer at the local Old Soldier’s Home or Rescue Mission or something like that instead, depending on my mood and how busy I am.

I don’t advertise that I’m a veteran because I don’t like being thanked. As was said up thread it’s turned into a generic greeting. Besides, I was a reservist who never deployed. There are others who deserve the thanks more than I. When I am thanked I simply say “you’re welcome” and change the subject.

However there was one “thank you” that I will never forget. My wife and I went to the Lincoln museum in Springfield, IL earlier this year. When we paid our admission the young lady asked if I was a veteran as the entrance fee was discounted. For some reason I said yes which was strange because I usually don’t take advantage of veteran discounts. As she finished the transaction she thanked me and then started to tear up. She apologized, saying she has the utmost respect for veterans for all of the sacrifices they make. I appreciated the sentiment as it was clearly heartfelt, but at the same time it made me a little uncomfortable. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I served in the Army Reserve and most of my time was spent in the back of a ratt rig smoking cigarettes and telling dirty jokes. I was speechless and eventually mumbled out a “you’re welcome.”

As someone who has never served in the military, I sometimes feel a social pressure that I’m expected to say this. (There was a recent episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm that touched on this.)

Is it expected? Am I bad if I don’t say this to service members?

These two are pretty much my private and public reaction.

I’d been a servicemember for 8 years and a former servicemember for 13 years before 9/11 happened. Suddenly on 9/12/2001 I and my prior work was thank-worthy. But never before. BS to that noise.
Fund the VA and do what it takes to prevent the epidemic of veteran suicides. That’s how we properly thank our veterans.

No, not at all.

I have to admit to a bit of disgruntlement as well, as all my 23 years were pre-1990. Nowadays servicemen receive applause and are given priority plane boarding and de-boarding. They get free meals and entertainment on aircraft, as well. Prior to our involvement in the Middle East, all you heard was crickets chirping. I didn’t expect jack shit, and didn’t receive jack shit, and didn’t care about receiving jack shit, other than the reduced airfare if you traveled in uniform (which eventually went away). The adulation of the military since 9/11 makes me extremely uncomfortable.

On the contrary, most would actually prefer you don’t say anything. It’s awkward, kind of annoying and can be distracting when they’re in the middle of a conversation and someone walks over and interrupts in order to thank them for your service. Then they feel guilty because they just got annoyed and bothered by someone who was simply trying to be nice and show their support.

It’s not really a big deal, either way though. But you’re definitely not expected to say anything and it is preferred that you don’t, unless it’s at a specific Veteran-thanking function. If a soldier is in uniform at the airport, he is there on business and just wants to get to his destination or pick someone up, just like everyone else. They don’t want to be bothered.

Whatever you do, though. Never ever ever do this shit: