Vibrating a wound for faster healing?

I keep seeing information that says one of the reasons cats purr is that it “helps repair damage from injuries” among other reasons they do it. If that is the case, is there any evidence that vibrating an injury in humans would cause it to heal faster? Obviously I am not talking about a gaping open wound, but say something that has scabbed over if it’s a cut. If so, is there a preferred frequency or length of time on and off that does it? Presumably a cat only purrs sporadically so it shouldn’t be constant. And would this work for more severe injuries like a broken bone that has already been set?

I’m not sure if this is just one of those dumb stories where it’s either not true, or all the purring is really doing is helping with circulation such that it’s of minimal value to the healing itself. But to hear cat people say it, purring is a “big deal”.

Yes, it does seem to be a good thing. Mostly for healing broken bones and maintaining muscle mass while in orbit. Do a google for “vibration therapy” for more than you ever wanted to know about it.

Ultrasonic vibration has been used for quite a while in orthopedic treatments.

Specifically, when I was getting physical therapy for adhesive capsulitis in one shoulder, they ended every session with ultrasound therapy. It was always my uneducated opinion that a slight stress on the wound would stimulate healing more than just leaving it alone. Kind of like a young tree - when we plant new trees we tie them loosely to the stakes so that they don’t blow completely over in a strong wind, but they also have room to move. That movement strengthens both the trunk and the roots.

Wouldn’t vibration disturb the collagen tissue?