Video: Whites are privileged, and that's unfair

There was never any possiblity of that in the first place, as any attempt to point out the racial prejudice in the whole concept of “white privilege” will be met with deep denial and venomous hatred.

You’re the only angry person in the thread.

Sometimes I want to write about what it’s like to live as a non-white person in a country where everywhere you look there are white people. And when you have so-called “white people” interests! I mean, I just don’t know that many Asians, especially not Indians, that are into:

Renaissance Faires
Comic books
Medieval lit


So everywhere I go I am surrounded by white people, and I’m OK with this, for the most part.

But you can’t have a constructive discussion about it because someone always thinks you are attacking them. And tells me to go back to my own country. America: Love it or leave it. Don’t ever attempt to change it, or even to fit into it and maybe make a good impression of your race and your culture, nope, just get the fuck out.

People get defensive and I want to tell them: it’s not necessary. I’m not attacking!

Oh well.

Whenever I see things about race, class privilege, sexism, and heteronormativity and whatnot - and I see these sort of things constantly - the one thing I keep reminding myself is that this ‘white’ culture in which I live, and of which I am a bona-fide member, is making more progress in this field than any other culture in the world.

As much difficulty as we English-speaking Anglo-Saxons and dependants are having with these discussions about racial equality, we’re an entire generation ahead of the rest of the human race. Only Nordic Europe proper has us beat in the continuous drive to human equality and betterment - we blow the rest of the world’s macro-cultural groups out of the water. It’ll be half a century or more before Latin America and Catholic Europe have accomplished even this much, to say nothing of places like East Asia and the Arab World.

So, yeah. We’re not doing great, but we’re making strides. Strong second, I think.

Can you blame him? Seems like everywhere you look these days, there’s people who aren’t white. It’s completely out of hand.

Heh, sorry, we’re all brown and stuff. :smiley:

Wow. No, it’s really not. In fact, it usually means pretty much the opposite. White people are often unaware of the privileges they experience by dint of just being white… because they are, for the most part, very nice, non-sucky people (as are the vast majority of non-white people). A tiny few white people are genuinely racist and malicious. There are a lot more, though, who do unfair things unconsciously, because that’s the way things have always been done, and they’ve never considered that doings things this way might benefit white people unfairly, because they themselves are not sucky people, and they do their best to be as kind and fair and welcoming as possible.

That’s what “white privilege” is about. It’s not saying, “Stop being so evil, you evil, evil monsters!” Rather, it’s saying, “*Because *you are such nice, well-meaning people, presumably, you’d want to know if you were being unfair or hurtful to others. So, just FYI, this action/situation is unfair. Obviously, you didn’t realize this, or you wouldn’t have done it, because you’re nice people. And that’s not your fault; you wouldn’t have any reason to realize this because you’ve never been on the receiving end of the unfairness. But since you *are *nice, non-sucky people, and certainly *not *the kind of people who would say something like ‘There is no reason whatsoever that whites should feel bad about being the dominant political, cultural and demographic majority, and if that makes you feel bad–well, boo fucking hoo,’ we just figured you’d want to know.”

It’s racial in context, but that doesn’t make it racist. You might want to consult a dictionary.

I get what they are getting at. But the word choice priveledged irks me a bit. To me that implies a pretty special position. White people have it better than others because they get treated more fairly and or are not disciminated against as much or have to deal with all the other bad things being a minority can entail. But most white people are just people that get treated fairly and have earned what they get in life. To me priveledged sounds more like those rich white well connect folks that went to Hawwwwvard and seem to breeze through life, not the white guy who studied hard at public school, got a little scholarship at no name U, got a bachelors in something and ended up working hard at some middle class job.

There are different types and degrees of privilege. The definition of the word certainly fits here. However, if you can suggest a better word – not a sentence or a paragraph – that works as well, go for it.

I did not know that.

I think you should consult. Saying that Whites are privileged imparts a racial stereotype onto all white individuals. Its very akin to saying all Blacks are poor. It is the first step in passing judgement on an individual based upon the color of his/her skin. That is the soul of racism.

I disagree. It’s roughly akin to saying that African Americans are subject to discrimination. Which may not be true for every single individual, but it is accurate as a general statement.

Saying “blacks are poor” is a misleading statement because most blacks are not poor. I would venture that a large majority of African Americans believe they have experienced some type of discriminatory treatment.


Slightly akin, maybe, in that it’s a generalization. Very akin, no. In the U.S., Whites are indeed privileged over people of color, it’s an easily verifiable statement. Saying all Blacks are poor is an order (or two) of magnitude further from being true.

No, the soul of racism is making a derogatory judgment. While the first step may often being making a racial observation, the observation itself (if accurate) is not racist, and the next step need never be taken.

I’m white and I agree. Whites are privileged, but not because we all have it good. I do get tired of some students saying stuff like, “White people…” or assuming I have money or a normal family because I have pale skin.

I’d also rather be a rich Latina than a poor white woman, but hey. Wouldn’t most of us? :slight_smile:

As far as being part of a ‘group’, I also think that some minorities look at whites as Other, e.g., That white girl just walked in the room, and not, Oh, someone just walked in the room. It goes all ways.

Well there’s your problem right there. Everyone knows that if you feed 'em white people’s food they forget how to forage for themselves and end up rummaging through your garbage cans at night.

I think everybody is privileged in some way, and everybody is marginalized in some way. If people would stop for a minute and quit being so damned defensive, maybe we could all connect on that level and recognize that, at bottom, what we are talking about is universal human experience.

Oh hell no! I’d rather be a rich latino. I love my wang too much to give it up.

I’m white. There’s no affirmative action for me. I am not privileged.

That’s a pretty idiosyncratic way of determining privilege.