Virginia gov. yearbook page has Klan and blackface pictures

I don’t think this is going to end well for him assuming he had control over the material on the page .

1984? That would have been offensive in 1954. Jesus, what’s wrong with people?

talk is that he is the guy in blackface. He is a Dem. and the Lt. Governor is also a Dem if he were to quit.

Man, GOP oppo research is for shit. No wonder they have to buy it from Russia!

Anyway, Northam’s gotta go, especially if it is him and/or he had editorial control of this page and/or he attended the fucking party.

Fuck it. He should just go.

I know, right? Who wears plaid pants like that?

If he’s either person or if he chose the picture he should resign.


med school says the pictures are legit and the publication was student produced.

Well, well, well…

So much dumb stuff preserved for eternity.

have to wonder if this turned up in a simple google search , if so that does show really bad research before the election by the GOP. Or maybe they just started contacting members of his class to see if anyone had this kind of document.

Well, it probably wouldn’t have struck the GOP as offensive.

The Good Doctor is probably feeling a mite sick about right now.

Hopefully they can “keep him comfortable” while his political career is lovingly, humanely terminated…

It doesn’t make the *Dems *research look very good either.

This was 35 years ago when he was young and in school. I’m not sure it tells us much about the man he is today (but the way he responds to it will)—and that’s what I think should determine whether or not he should resign.

State Senate Minority Leader Richard L. Saslaw is defending him. To paraphrase, “Hey, it’s not nice to look at people’s pasts. Sure wouldn’t want anyone paying attention to whatever I did as a young adult!”

That guy is having a BAD week.

Well ho-lee fucking shit. That was my first thought. Second? “The fucking school agreed to put that in the yearbook”??
Anyway, fuck that guy. Sorry he’s a Democrat in Redville, but fuck him.

Maybe. I’ll try to keep an open mind. But I was in school 35 years ago and would never in a million years have 1) dressed like that and 2) thought it so benign that I would allow a photo like that to be put in a yearbook.

People in the 1980s really did have a clue about racism and shit. Or should have.

My first reaction was “He was so young and it was so long ago.”

My second reaction was “But Kavanaugh…”

He should probably resign, and I say this as a hyperpartisan Democrat. While also acknowledging that there would be no possibility of that happening if he were Republican.

every Dr. in the yearbook will be contacted by the media if they can be located. They will probably have reporters at their offices 1st thing Monday

He admitted that he’s one of the people in the photo.

Get out please. Jesus Christ.