Vitriolic name-calling in political threads

How about Dubya? Is that considered name-calling, or just a nickname?

Well, conservative Newsmax uses “Dubya” and there’s a book called: Bush Country: How Dubya Became a Great President While Driving Liberals Insane

Yeah…we talk about that here every day.


[spelling nazi ON]

Not only that, it’s misspelled. Ought to be “Bushtapo” – just one “p”.

[spelling nazi OFF]


Do two nazis make a right?


With regard to the OP, I actually prefer such obvious threadtitles as you know what you’re going to get. Virtually every time, the second or third thread is in direct contrast to the OP, in equally strong terms, and so the ‘debate’ begins. That said, I quite like watching two trains converging on the same line…

I agree with that, I just think it’s counter-productive to vent in terms that make middle-of-the-roaders (who might otherwise find something convincing in a good rant) to roll their eyes and say, “Yeesh! How childish.”

If all you’re doing is ranting to hear yourself rant, why bother?

I replied too quickly. What I should have said was that I agree that the primary purpose of the pit is venting, not convincing. But who says it can’t serve a dual purpose? If you feel so strongly about it that you want to vent, then you probably agree that there’s enough at stake that you might want to make your point of view sound non-rabid to a swing voter.

I haven’t been around as long as some of you, but I do think all the vitriol has cost us alot. The more we keep shouting the more we loose rational voices on both sides. I didn’t like Scylla’s politics, but his blimps thread brought me to the board. I miss him and I miss the his thougth out arguments. (even if i mostly thought he was wrong.

It just seems to me that the more we keep discussing this in a yell more we drive away those that can give reasoned arguments and the more we are left with this type ofguy. Makes ya miss December don’t it. At least he had limerics.

PS. sorry if I screwed up coding the make links button wasnt working.

No, but three lefts do.


Don’t you mean three leftists?

And 2 Wrights make an airplane.
