Voir dire questions for potential Trump criminal trial

I’m really not sure where to put this thread. Mods feel free to move as appropriate.

Perhaps putting the cart before the horse here, but how would the attorneys handle the voir dire process in the event criminal charges were brought against ex-President Trump, say for stealing government documents and obstructing justice?

I can’t even begin to fathom the challenges involved in finding 12 impartial jurors. But I am wondering what sort of questions a prosecutor might ask a potential juror to tease out whether that individual is a MAGA devotee? Or what type of questions the judge would even allow (“do you believe the 2020 election was stolen?”)

I’m hoping some of the folks in the legal field can provide some insightful responses.

Another thread already here:


Because there is already an open thread on this exact same topic, I’m closing this one. @Cardigan, if you want your post merged with the other thread, just sent me a PM. Thanks.

And you though you were jumping the gun? :wink: