Volcano in Bali is (maybe) about to blow

Story here. Mt. Agung in Bali has been restless for the last week or so. It hasn’t had a major eruption in 50+ years and it’s considered pretty active. Last time it went off over 1000 people died.

I’m a little surprised this hasn’t gotten more coverage - what with all the hurricanes and earthquakes, a volcanic eruption seems like it fits right in with all the natural disasters the world has been plagued with. (I did finally see a story yesterday on CNN.)

Anyway, it’s more prominent news here in Indonesia. And I just got a text from a friend who lives in Bali (not within the volcano danger zone) who says he just felt another “whumpf” - the third one in as many days.

If it is gonna blow, I hope it does so soon. People have been evacuated, but they will not stay evacuated for too long. If this drags on for weeks/months, and it could, people will go back to their homes in the dangerous areas, while tourism is badly disrupted as people fear flying to Bali (and rightly so - an ash cloud in a plane engine is a serious matter).

C’mon, Agung! Get it over with. Put up or shut up.

My sister’s SO’s son lives on the island, but not, I believe, in the immediate area of the volcano. I suppose it’s not getting so much international coverage because nothing’s really happened yet. The subset of the Internet that follows volcanic activity worldwide has certainly been all over it.

Sorry, but volcanos blow when they want to. There’s still a chance this one will fizzle out without a significant eruption, although due to the presence of harmonic tremor, it’s seeming less likely.

Useful link:


Thanks, that’s a good link.

Altogether now…
I don’t know,
I don’t know,
I don’t know where I’m a-gonna go
When the volcano blow…

Too bad we can’t give it the geological equivalent of ipecac or something.

Someone find Joe. STAT.

Lets hope for all our sakes that this isn’t another Krakatoa.

Wow hope this is not another disaster and folks are okay on Bali. So lovely.

Saw the thread title and thought of Mt. Batur. I climbed it back in the 80’s - there was no supervision; I recall walking more or less on the edge and plug of the volcano - it wasn’t hot where I was, but I could see steam maybe 100 yards away.

Stupid tourist :wink:

Eek, if it blows, will the south and east sides get the brunt (thinking Candidasa, Amed directions and everything upslope)?

Yesterday I was reading about the volcano in Vanuatu that might erupt;:

Ah, just read through the entire link, looks like the North might be likeliest direction for a flow.