Voters born in the '90s need to get a clue

Sure there are teams. They are not as well organized as they ideally could be, but they are there no matter how much you try to deny them. They even have official registration with the state in most places (how many teams can say that?) along with national committees, state and county branches, automatic ballot access, etc.

Furthermore, you are picking a strange time in history to make this claim. People are increasingly chafing against actually saying they belong to one party or another, that is true. But acting like it? Pew has a detailed report on how well-sorted the parties have become in recent years, and how many more people now follow one party or the other down the line on pretty much every issue. And The Fix at the WaPo has a nice series of graphs showing how split ticket voting has all but disappeared just in the past decade.

Bringing up “legal” obligations is a canard–a straw man, really. But a moral obligation? You bet your sweet ass there is.

I can only assume then that you also abhor the way President Obama is campaigning (I obviously do not):

Whether you are personally comfortable with this approach or not, it must actually be, contrary to your claim, both logical and productive, because they have actual number-crunching geniuses planning all this stuff with the help of massive amounts of granular research on voter behavior and state of the art computer modelling.

Good point. *Great *point. You got me there. :o

Absolutely. I have one of those in my own family: my mother. She is in her seventies, and she was voting for Ralph Nader back when few people knew he was running (1996). She actually served on a board with Hillary Clinton back in the '80s and had a positive impression of her then, but has come to the conclusion in the interim that she has not only sold out or whatever, but that someone has “gotten to her”. :eek: She was of course bigtime for Bernie, is hardcore against TPP, etc. Because of the things she forwards me, I have learned that the far left is doing its level best to keep up with the “alt-right” in terms of dark, convoluted and conspiratorial mutterings.

So, yes: anyone of any age or race whose sympathies lie left of center (or, arguably, even a little right of center) should be voting for Hillary. If their sympathies are significantly right of center, they may have a tough choice this time around, and I wouldn’t blame them for choosing either way (I’d just blame them for being right wingers to begin with). If they are left of center, and do anything other than vote for Hillary, they are either a fool or a traitor, probably both. And the fundamental point of this thread is that this group includes a lot of college-age kids, although there’s certainly plenty of blame to direct at Bernie Sanders for poisoning impressionable young minds. I have a feeling he knows this, and is feeling a bit sick about it, so hopefully he’ll do his best to make it right–although I’m not sure if he can get that toothpaste back in the tube.