Fair’s fair. We have a thread going on possible VP’s for Bush. Any ideas on Gore?
I say Bradley’s out. He would pull the ticket too far to the left to win the general election. I think he needs another moderate on the ticket to win. I would love to see Sam Nunn come out of retirement for this one, but I doubt it. Alternatively, I suppose he may seek a big name from a swing state with a lot of electoral votes. Ideas?
I recommend Colin Powell. He’s black, so moderate a Republican that he’s probably more liberal than some conservative Democrats, widely respected by Democrats and Republicans alike, his military credentials are impeccable, and he has the leadership ability to take over the Presidency if that were necessary yet he doesn’t desire the Presidency sufficiently to cause a lot of political problems for Gore.
? Kennedy. No Kennedy has earned it yet. (Forget Ted.) Plus, the Kennedys would pull the ticket too far left.
Barbara Boxer. No way Gore will take a chance on a female running mate after the Geraldine Ferraro debacle. (Not saying Boxer’s not qualified, just that Gore won’t bet his candidacy on whether the US is ready for a woman in the office.)
Mario Cuomo. Good speaker. Again, maybe a little too far left for the general election. Can’t completely rule it out though, given the importance of New York. Not sure Cuomo would want the job.
Jesse Jackson. Forget it. His vocal activism of late makes him a sure-fire ticket killer.
Bill Clinton. Ain’t gonna happen. Gore wants to distance himself from the Clinton controversies. (Not to mention the Constitutional maelstrom this pick would cause.)
Hillary Clinton. See above. Plus, I hear she’s running for another office.
Diane Feinstein would be the female candidate of choice. Barbara baby is so liberal Californian’s consider her liberal, and Dems rarely have to worry about flank revolts in the same way Republican candidates do.
Given the emphasis on the women’s vote these days, I would be surprised if he doesn’t pick a woman running mate; it would severly handicap Bush in his attempt to control the center (women tend to be more ‘liberal’ than men politically).
No, no, no, you silly people - my man ED RENDELL! Former mayor of Philadelphia until this year (now we’re saddled with {shudder} John Street ), known as “America’s Mayor,” appointed head of the Democratic National Committee, social liberal and very adept fiscal conservative, and probably running for PA governor in a couple of years (God knows we need a Democrat in Harrisburg). Philadelphia is a thousand times better off having had him as mayor than previous idiots like Frank Rizzo.
Rendell gave the opening speech at the DNC in 1996, and there were lots of signs reading “Gore/Rendell 2000.”
Ed Rendell would be a hell of a choice. Don’t know if he’s well enough known and if his experience extends past civic admin. I’m holding out for Bill Richardson–young, smart, Hispanic, experienced, conciliatory, ambitious.