Wager on Dean's effectiveness

I have no money to bet and I don’t drink, but after all, the President’s party usually loses seats in midterm elections. I think three straight elections of gains for the Republicans would be a lot.

In case anyone wants to handicap the race, I’ll kick in with the open Senate Seats for 2006:


Akaka, Daniel - (D - HI)
Bingaman, Jeff - (D - NM)
Byrd, Robert - (D - WV)
Cantwell, Maria - (D - WA)
Carper, Thomas - (D - DE)
Clinton, Hillary - (D - NY)
Conrad, Kent - (D - ND)
Corzine, Jon - (D - NJ) ?(running for Gov. in 2005)
Dayton, Mark - (D - MN) * (not seeking reelection)
Feinstein, Dianne - (D - CA)
Jeffords, James - (I - VT)
Kennedy, Edward - (D - MA)
Kohl, Herb - (D - WI)
Lieberman, Joseph - (D - CT)
Nelson, Bill - (D - FL) *
Nelson, Ben - (D - NE) * (outgoing Governor Mike Johanns may run)
Sarbanes, Paul - (D - MD)
Stabenow, Debbie - (D - MI) *


Allen, George - (R - VA)
Bailey Hutchison, Kay - (R - TX) *(may run for Gov. 2005)
Burns, Conrad - (R - MT)
Chafee, Lincoln - (R - RI) *
Ensign, John - (R - NV) *
Frist, Bill - (R - TN) *(Frist may retire; Harold Ford, Jr. may run)
Hatch, Orrin - (R - UT)
Kyl, Jon - (R - AZ)
Lott, Trent - (R - MS)
Lugar, Richard - (R - IN)
Santorum, Rick - (R - PA)
Snowe, Olympia (R - ME)
Talent, Jim - (R - MO)
Thomas, Craig (R - WY)


Jeffords, Jim - (I - VT)

I starred the seats in viable play; details noted with early info.

IMO, the Dems should keep an eye on the Nelson Senators (FL, NE) to save, and the Ensign/NV, Chafee/RI seats to gain. Texas and Tennessee are still wild cards. Anything I’m missing? Anyone want to tackle the House prospects this early?

I was about to post something similar:

From here we get the senate seats that are up for grabs in 2006, broken down party lines, and from here we get the percent of the vote the senator got when he/she last got elected.

  Republicans         Democrats            Independent
  100   Arizona       61   California      72   Vermont
   67   Indiana       65   Connecticut
   69   Maine         56   Delaware
   68   Mississippi   52   Florida
   57   Missouri      75   Hawaii
   52   Montana       63   Maryland
   58   Nevada        85   Massachusetts
   63   Ohio          51   Michigan
   54   Pennsylvani   53   Minnesota
   58   RhodeIsland   51   Nebraska
   67   Tennessee     52   NewJersey
   67   Texas         62   NewMexico
   68   Utah          56   NewYork
   52   Virginia      62   NorthDakota
   77   Wyoming       50   Washington
                      79   WestVirginia
                      62   Wisconsin

To see how vulnerable the two parties are we calculate the following quantities for each of them:

                                  Republicans   Democrats
Mean of percent of the vote   =        65           61
Median of percent of the vote =        67           61
Std of percent of the vote    =        12           10
number of states with < 51%   =         0            1
number of states with < 53%   =         2            5
number of states with < 55%   =         3            6

It seems to me that the Democrats are quite a bit more vulnerable than the Republicans and it seems more likely that they’ll lose net Senate seats.

Also, Jeffords from VT was originally elected as a Republican, so if his original voters vote Republican again, then the Republicans gain one seat even with no other race changing parties.

Thanks for the cites and analysis. Can you do the House? Please? :slight_smile:

Should any party shift/changes from the 2004 election results be factored into the analysis? How would you do that?

Statistical analysis of party voting trends aside, I think Jeffords will keep his seat. Anyone disagree?

Since you asked nicely :slight_smile:

I got the following results from Wikipedia

    Republicans                    Democrats
    63    Alabama1                 73    Alabama5
    72    Alabama2                 75    Alabama7
    61    Alabama3                 70    Arizona4
    75    Alabama4                 61    Arizona7
   100    Alabama6                 67    Arkansas1
    72    AlaskaAtLarge            58    Arkansas2
    59    Arizona1                 100   Arkansas4
    59    Arizona2                 67    California1
    80    Arizona3                 72    California5
    60    Arizona5                 72    California6
    79    Arizona6                 76    California7
    60    Arizona8                 85    California8
    59    Arkansas3                84    California9
    67    California2              65    California10
    62    California3              68    California12
    65    California4              71    California13
    61    California11             70    California14
    66    California19             72    California15
    73    California21             71    California16
   100    California22             67    California17
    63    California24             67    California18
    65    California25             54    California20
    54    California26             63    California23
    68    California40             62    California27
    83    California41             71    California28
    68    California42             65    California29
    61    California44             71    California30
    66    California45             81    California31
    61    California46             85    California32
    65    California48             89    California33
    62    California49             74    California34
    58    California50             80    California35
    69    California52             62    California36
    51    Colorado4                75    California37
    71    Colorado5                100   California38
    60    Colorado6                61    California39
    55    Colorado7                66    California43
    54    Connecticut2             60    California47
    52    Connecticut4             62    California51
    60    Connecticut5             67    California53
    69    DelawareAtLarge          73    Colorado1
    74    Florida1                 67    Colorado2
   100    Florida4                 50    Colorado3
    66    Florida5                 73    Connecticut1
    64    Florida6                 72    Connecticut3
   100    Florida7                 62    Florida2
    61    Florida8                 100   Florida3
   100    Florida9                 86    Florida11
    69    Florida10                100   Florida17
    65    Florida12                100   Florida19
    55    Florida13                70    Florida20
    67    Florida14                100   Florida23
    65    Florida15                67    Georgia2
    68    Florida16                63    Georgia3
    65    Florida18                64    Georgia4
    72    Florida21                100   Georgia5
    63    Florida22                52    Georgia12
   100    Florida24                100   Georgia13
   100    Florida25                63    Hawaii1
   100    Georgia1                 63    Hawaii2
   100    Georgia6                 85    Illinois1
   100    Georgia7                 88    Illinois2
    76    Georgia8                 74    Illinois3
    74    Georgia9                 84    Illinois4
   100    Georgia10                76    Illinois5
    57    Georgia11                86    Illinois7
    70    Idaho1                   52    Illinois8
    71    Idaho2                   75    Illinois9
    56    Illinois6                69    Illinois12
    64    Illinois10               61    Illinois17
    59    Illinois11               68    Indiana1
    65    Illinois13               54    Indiana7
    69    Illinois14               55    Iowa3
    61    Illinois15               55    Kansas3
    69    Illinois16               59    Kentucky6
    70    Illinois18               79    Louisiana2
    69    Illinois19               60    Maine1
    54    Indiana2                 58    Maine2
    69    Indiana3                 67    Maryland2
    70    Indiana4                 63    Maryland3
    72    Indiana5                 70    Maryland4
    67    Indiana6                 69    Maryland5
    53    Indiana8                 74    Maryland7
    49    Indiana9                 75    Maryland8
    55    Iowa1                    100   Massachusetts1
    59    Iowa2                    100   Massachusetts2
    61    Iowa4                    71    Massachusetts3
    63    Iowa5                    78    Massachusetts4
    91    Kansas1                  67    Massachusetts5
    56    Kansas2                  70    Massachusetts6
    66    Kansas4                  74    Massachusetts7
    67    Kentucky1                100   Massachusetts8
    68    Kentucky2                100   Massachusetts9
    60    Kentucky3                64    Massachusetts10
    54    Kentucky4                65    Michigan1
   100    Kentucky5                67    Michigan5
    78    Louisiana1               69    Michigan12
    32    Louisiana3               79    Michigan13
   100    Louisiana4               84    Michigan14
    59    Louisiana5               71    Michigan15
    72    Louisiana6               58    Minnesota4
    39    Louisiana7               70    Minnesota5
    76    Maryland1                66    Minnesota7
    68    Maryland6                65    Minnesota8
    69    Michigan2                58    Mississippi2
    67    Michigan3                64    Mississippi4
    64    Michigan4                75    Missouri1
    65    Michigan6                53    Missouri3
    58    Michigan7                66    Missouri4
    61    Michigan8                55    Missouri5
    58    Michigan9                66    Nevada1
    69    Michigan10               75    NewJersey1
    57    Michigan11               67    NewJersey6
    60    Minnesota1               69    NewJersey8
    57    Minnesota2               67    NewJersey9
    65    Minnesota3               97    NewJersey10
    54    Minnesota6               59    NewJersey12
    79    Mississippi1             76    NewJersey13
    80    Mississippi3             69    NewMexico3
    65    Missouri2                56    NewYork1
    64    Missouri6                66    NewYork2
    71    Missouri7                63    NewYork4
    72    Missouri8                71    NewYork5
    64    Missouri9                100   NewYork6
    64    MontanaAtLarge           80    NewYork7
    54    Nebraska1                80    NewYork8
    61    Nebraska2                70    NewYork9
    87    Nebraska3                91    NewYork10
    67    Nevada2                  94    NewYork11
    55    Nevada3                  85    NewYork12
    63    NewHampshire1            81    NewYork14
    59    NewHampshire2            90    NewYork15
    65    NewJersey2               95    NewYork16
    63    NewJersey3               75    NewYork17
    67    NewJersey4               70    NewYork18
    58    NewJersey5               70    NewYork21
    57    NewJersey7               67    NewYork22
    68    NewJersey11              50    NewYork27
    54    NewMexico1               72    NewYork28
    60    NewMexico2               63    NorthCarolina1
    63    NewYork3                 62    NorthCarolina2
    59    NewYork13                62    NorthCarolina4
    67    NewYork19                72    NorthCarolina7
    66    NewYork20                67    NorthCarolina12
    71    NewYork23                59    NorthCarolina13
    57    NewYork24                60    NorthDakotaAtLarge
    91    NewYork25                100   Ohio6
    56    NewYork26                68    Ohio9
    51    NewYork29                60    Ohio10
    71    NorthCarolina3           100   Ohio11
    59    NorthCarolina5           67    Ohio13
    73    NorthCarolina6           77    Ohio17
    55    NorthCarolina8           66    Oklahoma2
    70    NorthCarolina9           58    Oregon1
    64    NorthCarolina10          71    Oregon3
    55    NorthCarolina11          61    Oregon4
    60    Ohio1                    53    Oregon5
    72    Ohio2                    86    Pennsylvania1
    62    Ohio3                    88    Pennsylvania2
    59    Ohio4                    94    Pennsylvania11
    67    Ohio5                    100   Pennsylvania12
    65    Ohio7                    56    Pennsylvania13
    69    Ohio8                    100   Pennsylvania14
    65    Ohio12                   59    Pennsylvania17
    63    Ohio14                   64    RhodeIsland1
    62    Ohio15                   75    RhodeIsland2
    67    Ohio16                   63    SouthCarolina5
    66    Ohio18                   67    SouthCarolina6
    60    Oklahoma1                53    SouthDakotaAtLarge
    82    Oklahoma3                55    Tennessee4
    78    Oklahoma4                69    Tennessee5
    66    Oklahoma5                64    Tennessee6
    72    Oregon2                  74    Tennessee8
    60    Pennsylvania3            82    Tennessee9
    63    Pennsylvania4            72    Texas9
    88    Pennsylvania5            58    Texas15
    51    Pennsylvania6            68    Texas16
    59    Pennsylvania7            51    Texas17
    55    Pennsylvania8            89    Texas18
    69    Pennsylvania9            66    Texas20
    93    Pennsylvania10           67    Texas25
    59    Pennsylvania15           63    Texas27
    65    Pennsylvania16           59    Texas28
    63    Pennsylvania18           94    Texas29
    91    Pennsylvania19           93    Texas30
    88    SouthCarolina1           55    Utah2
    65    SouthCarolina2           69    Virginia3
   100    SouthCarolina3           60    Virginia8
    70    SouthCarolina4           59    Virginia9
    74    Tennessee1               62    Washington1
    79    Tennessee2               64    Washington2
    65    Tennessee3               62    Washington3
   100    Tennessee7               69    Washington6
    61    Texas1                   81    Washington7
    55    Texas2                   63    Washington9
    86    Texas3                   68    WestVirginia1
    69    Texas4                   65    WestVirginia3
    64    Texas5                   63    Wisconsin2
    66    Texas6                   56    Wisconsin3
    64    Texas7                   70    Wisconsin4
    69    Texas8                   86    Wisconsin7
    84    Texas10
    77    Texas11
    72    Texas12
    92    Texas13
   100    Texas14
    58    Texas19
    62    Texas21
    55    Texas22
    69    Texas23
    64    Texas24
    66    Texas26
    65    Texas31
    54    Texas32
    68    Utah1
    61    Utah3
    80    Virginia1
    55    Virginia2
    65    Virginia4
    64    Virginia5
   100    Virginia6
    76    Virginia7
    64    Virginia10
    60    Virginia11
    63    Washington4
    60    Washington5
    52    Washington8
    58    WestVirginia2
    65    Wisconsin1
    66    Wisconsin5
    67    Wisconsin6
    70    Wisconsin8
    55    WyomingAtLarge

And, as before, to see how vulnerable the two parties are we calculate the following quantities for each of them:

                                  Republicans   Democrats
Mean of percent of the vote   =        68           72
Median of percent of the vote =        65           69
Std of percent of the vote    =        13           13
number of states with < 51%   =         3            2
number of states with < 53%   =         8            5
number of states with < 55%   =        17           10

From the above it seems that the Republicans are more vulnerable than the Democrats, and it seems more likely that they’ll lose net House seats.

For a more complete estimate, I think they should be factored into the analysis, but that would be very complex (and I would need much more data to make a decent estimate).

Based on the above, it seems like there is a good chance that the Democrats will gain some seats in the House, which would make you lose your bet (since you say “in the House or the Senate”)

You’re a doll, Polerius. Thanks again.

I’ll try to sniff out the “hot” seats and 2004 party shift data.

Those statistical analyses don’t tell the whole story though, Polerius.

The House races are for districts increasingly drawn to exclude one party or the other. Gains here typically happen by slowly picking off seats, and by redistricting driven by the decennial census.

Senate races, being statewide, can swing much more easily.

I’ll consider taking Bricker up on his offer if I hear more about what he’s willing to bet.

What I’m guessing Bricker means is that the Dems will fail to make net gains in either house of Congress. Which would mean that anyone taking his bet would win if the Dems had a net gain in either house.

Rick, care to confirm or clarify? If I’ve interpreted you correctly, I’d like a piece of this action. Since you haven’t yet collected on our 2004 electoral bet, we could just go double or nothing.

Will Diebold be counting the votes? In that case, I’ll pass.

Can you refresh my recollection? We’re not on for any bet unless I’ve positively acknowledged it.

I’m picturing net. A given seat my flip from R to D, but the net total for Democrats will not increase in either house.


Then I lose.

We can discuss stakes. Money or single malt scotch, as a starting point.

Stake your 2008 vote?

As one of the few on the SDMB who has actually bested Bricker at one of his wagers, I will step up to the plate. Let us make the stakes that which you value highest: $100 of cold, hard cash. The only way to make a lawyer weep is to take his money.

As a conservative republican, I admire Dean altho he hates republicans and everything they stand for…his words.

Dean is a breath of fresh air compared to the leading contenders for the presidential nominee of the democratic party in 2008. He is not pretentious, does not switch his ideas whenever it is politically indicated to do so.

The 2nd term of almost all presidents wind up negative and I think that if the Democrats play it smart, “honest” and shrewd, they can win…

I polled a number of fellow conservatives and although they don’t agree with Howard Dean, he sticks by his beliefs and they, as I, admire that.

From your lips to Dean’s ears, Diogenes. I hope and pray that this is the message the Democratic party chooses to make the main portion of their campaign.

Well, heck. I’ve been doing the electoral math and I’d like to make a wager – I’ve even got two bottles with you in mind – I think either would make worthy stakes. But then I come across threads like this and I lose my nerve. The Democrats are just. not. getting. it.

Does the party chairman even make much of a difference? I’d bet dollars to donuts the vast majority of Americans cannot name either party chairman. And how much influence can the chairman have over 435 different Representative candidates and how they run their campaigns, and 33/34 Senatorial candidates?

You are right.But this is only part of the story. All the statistics mentioned above are nice (and thanks to the Dopers who work so hard to calculate 'em!)–but the real question isnt statistics, or who is party chairman.

There is a basic problem with off-year elections: they are boring. Turnout is minimal, and the public just doesnt care. We won’t see any passionate debate from either side, no large demonstrations, etc. So , despite what all the pundits will declare–off-year elections tell us nothing about the mood of the country . Most Americans voters can’t even tell you how many of their own state’s congressmen belong to each party, and they aren’t going to get emotionally involved no matter who wins.
Whether the Dems pick up a seat or two in 2006 will be important only to the professional columnists. It won’t serve as any indication of how the country will vote for President in 2008.
(And the 2008 election will be pretty boring too–I predict that the major issues will be social security , health care, etc, and the Democratic candidate will probably win.But that’s a different thread…)