Wal-Mart: Look out for falling IQs!

So I get this money order in the mail from someone who won one of my eBay auctions. And it’s a “Wal-Mart” money order. I head out to Wal-Mart to cash the thing in, and go to the -ahem- Customer Service desk.

There’s four people working there. They’re all working directly underneath a big sign advertising Wal-Mart traveller’s checks and money orders. I hand it to one to cash.

None of them have ever seen this item before in their lives. They’ve no idea what it is or what to do with it. “Do we cash these?” “I don’t know.” “What is it?” “Better call Cindy.”

So they call their imperious leader, Cindy. Cindy will know. Cindy is wise - after all, she’s in charge of these four people. She’s a big wheel down at the Customer Service department. If it’s to be known, Cindy will know.

Cindy informs them that they can’t cash this mysterious object. Here’s why. Are you ready?

Because the sender put my name in the “Pay to the Order of” line.

According to Cindy, he should have left that blank. Then they could have cashed it. Cindy feels that money orders are properly filled out when the Pay to line is left blank, despite the minro security risk of, oh, ANYONE BEING ABLE TO CASH THE FUCKING THING.

Well done, you four. And kudos to you, Cindy. You’re all doing your part in keeping the Wal-Mart tradition alive.

Wait a minnit,

I’m not trying to be a pain in the ass, but can’t any bank cash the thing, or is it strictly payable by Wal-Mart?

I’d ask for a higher-echelon supervisor if I could. Wal-Mart’s supposed to be one of them ‘user-friendly’ stores. Get the Store Manager if ya can.

Yes, I said “higher-echelon”. So what?

I remember my first experience at a Wal-Mart. The cashier was trying to give me a deduction, and blatantly asked me “What’s $1.50 minus $0.15?”

It’s not that her brain was freezing under stress. She honestly didn’t know how to subtract. :smack:

Yeah, my bank cashed it. I was heading out to Wal-Mart for something else, so I went there first, foolishly thinking they might be able to cash their own money orders.

After the experience, I really didn’t want to talk to any Wal-Mart people anymore. Or look for the other thing I went there for. Or be in the store.

Ah, Walmart!! I was just ranting about them the other day! I went to buy daughter a dress to wear to church and you know what? Other than formal-style dresses–they don’t have any! And the formal ones are only available at Easter and Christmas times.

They also apparently do not realize that the women of the town they are established in have a nasty little habit of getting pregnant on occasion, and they don’t carry maternity wear. And if you ask if they can get some, they say that no, they can’t because they don’t do that. They get their merchandise from the powers that be, who determine what and how much they need.:confused: I don’t have that to worry about any more, but it was a real pain in the arse when I did!

Mayflower not to defend Walmart or anything, and also, I don’t know where you live or anything, but the Walmart here does carry maternity, just not a wide selection. It’s over by Plus size, near the fitting room.

Just FYI.

And at this point you failed to grab your check and storm off to the firearms department?


Same here… maternity is by the fitting rooms, near Plus sizes.

I know that feeling. You’re never certain if the particular type of stupid that somebody has is contagious or not.

My local Wal-Mart has maternity, too. Just not anything I could wear.

My beef with them is that they don’t carry jackets for babies. Sure, they’ve got them for older kids (18 months was the smallest I saw), but it’s chilly now, dammit. And I’m not going to pay a ton of money for a jacket my son is going to outgrow in a few months anyway.


*Robin, why don’t you just get him a teeny-weeny little flight suit?

[sub]Ow! Quit it![/sub]

Robyn, look at second hand shops-if you’re having trouble finding things, that is.

Robyn: Ya need to truck on down here. Our local WallyWorld’s chock full o’ cold weather clothes, including jackets galore.

Check my location again, re-read the thread title, and get back to me. :smiley:

[sub]Yeah, I know, the individual stores don’t pick what merchandise they get, and on occasion someone from h’yarabouts will need some winter clothes ta travel north, but still…[/sub]

My answer: $78.35.

Never know… it could work.

Wait a minute… if they were trying to give you a deduction, that’d be bad…

Never mind.

A cashier gave me an extra $20 change once - i felt bad, as I understand that if the register is short, the cashier pays for it.

I told her, and she denied it. I then took it to the Customer Service department, who told me they’d have re-total her register, and asked if I didn’t mind waiting .5 hour for her shift to end. I did mind, so I gave them my phone number. Never called.

Another time, I realized upon getting home, that they had failed to charge me for a $14 item…

Doesn’t WalMart realize that hiring stupid people and working them to death costs them money in the long run?

As soon as they started dictating terms for you to do them a favor…walk away.

Best. Thread title. This week.

Actually, she wouldn’t pay for it if her drawer was short. She might be written up, but that’s it.

They can’t make you pay for something like that. Legally, that is.

I missed the decimal point before the 5 on my first read through…I was all outraged that Wal-mart would ask Joe_mama to wait around the store for 5 hours! It seemed a bit much.