For my life as a teen street kid.
8:30 am to about 9:49am: wake up somewhere with friend(s), collect and account for all belongings in case a “friend” stole something while you were sleeping, look for place to use washrooms that they will let you in to, use washroom both to use the toilet and to wash your socks, face and anything else you need to wash in the sink. Usually requires you have enough change to buy a coffee and perhaps a breakfast item, so you may need to beg for change.
10:00am: Get kicked out of place with public washroom, find place to beg for change.
10:01 to 11:59, keep moving while you try to beg for change for lunch, because you can’t stay still anywhere or business and police will ask you to leave. Collect at most $3 since everyone with money is at work, start walking towards a shelter that serves lunch.
noon to 12:30 listen to preaching about how believing in Jesus will make all your troubles disappear, while silently rolling your eyes since you have heard this so many times it is now a joke.
12:30 to 12:59pm finally eat small ham sandwich and orange tang for lunch again, and leave to find public washroom since the church bathroom is “occupied”.
1:00 to 1:59 drink coffee in fast food joint, and convince them to begrudgingly let you use the public washroom.
2:00 to 4:59pm wander around begging for change for food, beer, etc. Perhaps take a break in the library and have a nap or read the paper, find public park where you can quickly nap without police kicking you out, if it is cold, buy a ticket on public transportation since they have a heater, and nap on the train.
5:00 to 6:59pm - busy time for begging! Get out there & beg hard - you can’t go to the church for dinner, unless you want to sleep outside!
7:00 pm count change, and perhaps buy fast food for dinner, see if you have enough for skeevy hotel which has a courtyard where people throw used needles & condoms!
A - 7:01 pm to 10:30 am If you have enough for hotel for you and a friend (remember never to be alone - and these hotels change you way more for double occupancy), get it & get your key, and then get back to the street but they lock that door at 11, so be FAST if you want some beer or more food. Possibly get kicked out for having an extra friend in the room, listen to druggies next door fight, and other fun noises. Sleep onto of covers in your sleeping bag after washing everything you own in the sink & having a shower. Finally watch TV & fall asleep with it on because you can’t sleep when it is quiet any more. Sleep till 10:30 am when hotel knocks on door to kick you out. Do it all over again, but cleaner & with a bit more rest.
B - 7:30 pm to ??? beg for change to afford a few beers before bed, or more food, or some drugs to make sleeping in the squat or outside not as bad, or hope that a friend can sneak you into a room. Catch up with friends who may have become prostitutes, perhaps babysit a teen runaway and try to convince them to go home, perhaps get beaten up by jock types or other thugs who don’t like homeless people, perhaps have a fight with another homeless friend, finally get so tired/drunk/high at about 2-3:00 am that you don’t care where you sleep & eventually find place to sleep outside or in a squat, sleep in group of friends wearing all your clothes, and do it all over again.